George nodded affirmatively. “Will do, boss.”

George stood up from the chair and started to walk toward the door. He grabbed the handle right when AJ stopped him. “Hold up, George. You didn’t tell me the good news.”

George spun around. “Oh, yeah. The board actually approved everything you asked for on the latest project. Things are moving along very smoothly in that department. Mr. Chavez actually sounded excited about the project.”

“Can’t ask for more than that,” AJ said, leaning back in his chair once again. “That is good news. Thanks, George.”

“You’re welcome, sir,” George responded. “Is there anything else you need me to do today?”

“Well, I lost something and there’s this dumpster...” AJ teased.

“No,” George said, glaring at AJ. “You still need to reimburse me for my shirt. Not to mention the two bottles of shampoo I had to use to get rid of the stink.”

AJ raised his eyebrow. “Two? Last week it was one bottle.”

George shrugged. “Inflation costs are brutal. Dumpster diving isn’t cheap.”

AJ chuckled. If not for his staff, he would have lost the will to run this business a long time ago. “Buy three as a token of my appreciation.”

“Thank you, sir. Your generosity boggles the mind,” George replied, picking up the letter from the lawyer and taking it with him. He flashed AJ a grin before he turned and left the office, closing the door behind him.

AJ stared at the closed door for a moment, procrastinating again on getting to work. The letter from the lawyers was bad, but expected. Unfortunately, it meant that this nightmare of litigation was nowhere near from over for him.

He sighed and picked up a piece of paper to get started, but his thoughts strayed again. This time, they strayed onto Kat’s project. The board’s approval only brought limited relief to AJ, but he knew Kat would be thrilled. Her happiness meant as much to him as his own.

Kat again. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. She would be so pleased to hear her project was on track and that her hard work was paying off. He let himself imagine her shriek of joy when he told her the good new

s and then realized he was smiling. If just thinking about her brought a smile to his face, who knew what her actual presence could do to him?

He looked down at the sheet of paper in his hands and felt the smile fade. The clock said he had been working on that first page for the past twenty minutes. If this kept up, he doubted he’d get any actual work done for the rest of the day. His mind was too occupied. He needed something to distract him. He needed something that would ease his mind, if only for a little while. He needed… Kat.

He pulled out his cell phone. He went straight to his text messages, where he’d been having an ongoing conversation with Kat for the past week. He scanned through it, smiling at some of the cute things Kat had said to him. He could barely believe the wedding was almost a month ago.

One month since the wedding. He paused, evaluating. The first two weeks didn’t count as them being together since they hadn’t really been together, but he still felt they should count for something, since all he seemed to do those two weeks was think about her. Two weeks of thinking and two weeks of dating. The last two weeks had been two of the happiest of his life.

AJ couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about Kat that had him head over heels. Something about her was different than other women. She was beautiful, of course; not the traditional kind of beauty that he had become accustomed to, though. She wasn’t strikingly skinny and her hair wasn’t perfect and straight. She didn’t have porcelain skin or a giant chest, but for some reason, none of that mattered to him.

She had other traits that caused AJ to ache with a desperate need to have her, to claim her. The way she put her hand on her hip while cocking her head to the side when she was thinking made his heart do backflips inside of his chest. And for the first time in his life, he felt butterflies in his stomach when he thought of a woman. Was it love or was it just a crush? AJ couldn’t be sure. All he knew was that there was something very special about Kat and he made it a point that he’d do everything in his power to never lose her.

A grin crossed his face as he thought of a way to see her. He pushed the intercom button in his office. “I need to see Kat Riley right now.” He made sure to put a slight menace into his voice so that his secretary would make the call downstairs right away. “Tell her it’s regarding her proposal and that it is urgent. I want her in my office in five minutes.”

“Of course, sir,” his secretary replied. “Right away, sir.”

It was perfect. To everyone else, this would look like a business thing. It was the perfect excuse to see her.

The leather chair creaked as he leaned back and waited for her to arrive. He could already see the flush on her cheeks and the nervous breathlessness from running upstairs. He smiled, thinking about it. He loved teasing her and thought it would be a playful joke to make her think she was actually in trouble.

Kat didn’t leave him waiting for long. Less than a minute and a half passed before the door to his office opened up and she was standing in the doorway. She must have run the entire way.

“Everything okay?” she asked, nervous and out of breath. Her face was just as flushed as he had imagined it would be. He hoped to have it flushing again, but for an entirely different breathless reason.

“Close the door,” he responded, keeping his voice tight and serious. He wasn’t about to give away the game yet.

She did as he asked and stepped into the room. She was wearing a black skirt, which clung tightly to her hips as she walked gracefully toward AJ’s desk. The matching dark jacket was feminine and soft, accenting her curves. He couldn’t help but give her a once over. The way she wore that outfit caused his mouth to water and his concerns about the company instantly faded away.

“I have news,” he said after a moment. She bit her lip and it took everything he had not to just jump over the desk and take her right there.

“What’s wrong?” Kat asked. “Is there something wrong with the proposal? I knew the second paragraph was worded a little strangely, but it really…”