“Oysters, huh? You’re really subtle,” Kat teased, playing with her napkin.

“What? You don’t like oysters?” AJ asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

“Actually, I’ve never had them,” Kat admitted. “But I do know about their aphrodisiac connotation.”

“So you think I’m going to try and take advantage of you?” AJ asked, his voice getting a husky quality that made the butterflies in Kat’s stomach start up again. “Maybe even right here on this table?”

“I don’t know,” Kat said slowly, a flirtatious smile filling her face. “Maybe I’m more afraid that they’ll make me take you on the table. I’ve never had oysters before. I have no idea what they’ll do to me.”

AJ laughed just as the door opened and their server returned with their drinks and appetizers. Kat had never enjoyed such fast service before, but she assumed it probably had something to do with the fact that AJ was a billionaire and brought this restaurant lots of business. If he held meetings here, they would probably stand on their heads to make him happy.

Kat eyed the oysters carefully. In their shells, they didn’t look too bad. Up close, however, their smell was putrid. Kat instantly felt he

r nose cringe at the scent and felt her throat scratch with revolt. She took a sip of her drink and tried not to fixate on the plate in front of her. Instead, she looked up at AJ. He wasn’t fazed at all by the smell, but he quickly interpreted her glance.

After the waitress left the room, AJ said, “So, I struck out with these, huh?”

Kat forced a laughed. “No, no, I’ve just never smelled them before. And they smell absolutely terrible. I don’t think I can eat them.”

AJ let out a laugh. “That’s okay, I’m going to do you a favor and not take a bite.” He placed his cloth napkin over the plate. “Besides, I heard chips and dip was just as effective…” He winked back at her.

She felt a unique warmth building in her chest. It was more comforting than it was sensual. She was truly grateful at the way he could move effortlessly between assurance and banter. He made the moment seem cozy and intriguing at the same time.

When the waitress came back, AJ exchanged the oysters for a simple plate of bread and butter and then ordered a steak for himself. Kat was caught off guard by her reappearance. She hadn’t even thought about selecting a main course.

She also realized that she wasn’t even hungry. The moment with AJ was enough by itself. Eating seemed like an extra and unnecessary pleasure. She ordered a salad after barely attempting to survey the menu.

AJ made no comment on her order, and she was glad. Another deserving testament to his sense of charisma. Instead, he resumed their prior conversation as if it were never disrupted.

Instead of talking about the project, AJ launched into a series of questions about her employment at his company. He had asked her who hired her and what she thought of her supervisor. It felt uniquely strange to be gossiping with the company’s CEO, but their topics quickly shifted and by the time the waitress had come back with their food, any sort of work-related dialog was long over. They hadn’t touched on her proposal once.

His steak was cooked to perfection. Her salad also looked delicious, with a light dressing and numerous fresh and brightly colored fruits. She took several bites, appreciating its delicious taste despite her lack of appetite.

A quick joke by AJ made her laugh, then she stopped short. An urge to use the bathroom overcame her. This wasn’t the first time that it had happened this week, but it was the most intense. She didn’t want to interrupt this dinner, but she knew she had to go immediately.

Damn, I need to stop drinking so much water… or so many fruit drinks. She thought to herself. I need to stop drinking so quickly at least.

“Will you excuse me for a moment?” she asked AJ. She hoped she didn’t sound annoyed.

“Go right ahead. Do you mind if I take a phone call while you’re gone?” He held up his phone and Kat could see the little green message light flashing furiously.

“Of course. I should only be a minute,” she told him, standing up and placing her napkin carefully on her chair.

The bathroom was out from the hall from the private room where they had been dining. The hall was dimly lit so as to achieve a particular mood, but the larger bar area was well lit with TVs scattered along the walls. She turned the corner of the hall and began heading toward the ladies room when something on the TV caught her eye. It was the ticker symbol for the Shoesy company and it was displayed prominently in headline fashion. She moved closer to the TV and attempted to read the subtitles.

In the midst of sexual allegations, Shoesy’s value is on the decline and falling fast. Today, many social media outlets have been rife with the details that seem to just keep coming. The market value is the lowest it has ever been in the history of the company, and some are even speculating that this could end the company completely. Shoesy is in serious trouble...

The story trailed on in a series of graphs and charts, each more dire than the last. The announcer shook his head sadly before flipping to footage of the release of the new smartphone.

She turned from the TV to return to their room, completely forgetting about her bladder’s relentless demands. She had no idea that the situation was that bad. How AJ was even smiling today was remarkable. If she were in his shoes, she’d be hiding in her bedroom crying.

She walked steadily as she entered the hall leading back to the private room and almost ran into the first body she encountered. It was AJ.

His face was solemn. His earlier smiles were gone as if they had belonged to a different day.

“You okay?” she asked gently.

“Stressed.” He replied. His tone was hollow and flat. She suspected that the phone call hadn’t gone over well.