“Not really,” Cassie admitted. “He was an attractive man at all points in his life.”

“This guy makes Paul Newman look average.” Kat opened the bathroom door and peeked out at the sleeping man. The sheet had slipped down his chest, revealing his perfect six-pack and chiseled body. Kat’s mouth watered instinctively.

“Damn,” Cassie said, voicing Kat’s thoughts without even having to see him.

“You sure I have to come in?” Kat whispered, unable to pull her eyes away from the gorgeous sleeping man.

“Only if you want to keep your job,” Cassie answered. “I’m sorry. It’s not my call. I just don’t know any other way to fit four weeks of work into two.”

“No, you’re right.” Kat closed the bathroom door and sagged into it. All her beautiful plans for the day faded. This was back to just being a typical one-night stand. Or at least what Kat assumed was a typical one-night stand as she’d never had one before.

She could feel Fun Kat melting away.


Boring Kat

“Just know that this is going to require a bottle of wine. And chocolate.”

“You got it,” Cassie promised. “I’ll have a bottle ready for you.”

Kat thought of the way he smiled and those blue eyes. “Better make it two.”

“Done,” Cassie replied. “I’ll see you soon.”

Kat clicked end call and leaned her head against the bathroom door-frame. Her sigh echoed through the bathroom.

“Get a move on, Kat,” she whispered to the empty room. “The job isn’t going to do itself. He’s cute, but he’s not worth your job.”

It took her a moment more before she was ready to actually get going. The unfairness of it all weighed heavily on her shoulders, as she opened the bathroom door and went back into the room with the ridiculously good-looking man she was about to leave.

Fun Kat would have stayed, but Fun Kat didn’t have a job to keep. It was time to let Boring Kat back out.

Kat grabbed a piece of paper off the desk next to the bed. It took her a moment to find a pen, but at least it was a really nice felt-tipped one. This definitely was a nicer room than she was used to. Yet another reason to not want to go.

Dear AJ,

I had an amazing time last night.

I want to see you again.

I wish I could have stayed, but work called with an emergency.

I hope you understand.

Please call me. 555-1368

Yours Truly,


She carefully placed the small note on the laptop resting on the desk. He was sure to find it there, and hopefully he’d call. She didn’t want to get her hopes up too high. While they had amazing chemistry, this was a wedding fling. A one-night stand.

At least that’s what Kat kept telling herself. This man wasn’t her soulmate and future husband. That only happened in fairy tales. This was just a fun thing, not a future. If, by some strange working of the universe, he was her future husband, then he would understand why she had to leave. But for right now, he was just an incredibly attractive one-night stand.

With a heavy heart, Kat picked up her scattered clothes and things from around the room. She considered putting them on, but her room was just a few floors down. If she borrowed the robe, she wouldn’t have to change twice. She’d just make sure that housekeeping knew the robe came from this room so he wouldn’t be charged.

With her things flowing over her arms, Kat went to the door. She paused one last time to look at the sleeping man. He was still so damn attractive that she very strongly considered dropping everything and climbing back into bed with him.