Kat woke up in the dark hotel room. She glanced over at the hotel alarm clock to read the green number seven and two zeros.

Thanks, internal alarm clock, she thought to herself. I was allowed to sleep in today.

She tried to close her eyes and go back to sleep, but she knew it was futile. She was up. With a sigh, she officially opened her eyes.

It took a moment for her to focus in the dark of the curtained room, but she found herself smiling at the sleeping form of the man next to her. He was still as attractive in the morning as he was last night, which was pretty amazing for something that was supposed to be a one-night stand.

She grinned and wondered if he had any plans for today. If she was lucky, the two of them could hang out and get to know one another better today. The idea of sleeping with someone and then getting to know them was so different than what Kat usually did that the idea tickled her.

Fun Kat was way better at picking guys than Regular Kat. For the first time in a long time, Kat had let herself just be free.

And now, she was in bed with a crazy hot man who she was hoping to get to know better.

She loved it. It was the best feeling ever.

Kat decided to let him sleep while she freshened up. They would have all day together if she had her way. She slid from the soft sheets and walked confidently to the closet. Fun Kat didn’t need to wrap a sheet around herself or be self-conscious around a sleeping man. Inside the closet, she found a fluffy white robe with the hotel’s initials emblazoned on the chest.

Kat cursed as her phone started to ring.

She darted across the room, grabbing her purse and hitting answer as fast as she could so that she wouldn’t wake the sleeping man. Just because her body decided it needed to wake up at its regularly scheduled time didn’t mean he needed to as well.

“Hello?” she whispered, hurrying into the big bathroom and closing the door behind her. The whisper echoed off the marble tiles, so she stuffed a towel against the door to muffle the sound.

“You have to come into work today,” Cassie informed her.

“What?” Kat nearly hung up on her boss. “No.”

Cassie sighed. “I’m really sorry, Kat. I am. But we need you today. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

“Why?” Kat plopped down on the edge of the big bathtub and pouted. If Cassie wasn’t such an awesome boss and friend, she would have hung up on her and pretended this phone call had never happened.

“Mr. Jacobson, the CEO of this company and only hope for this project, canceled all his meetings today,” Cassie explained. “I’m sure you can imagine the chaos that causes in his scheduling, and now you’ve been rescheduled to present the project in two weeks.”

“Two weeks?” Kat nearly screamed. “But I had four weeks. I need four weeks! It isn’t even close to ready yet!”

“I’m sorry, Kat,” Cassie said softly. “I really tried to reschedule, but that is honestly the only time I could get. You don’t know what I had to do just to make it two weeks instead of one.”

“How is it even possible he can do this?” Kat asked, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. “It’s not even close to fair.”

“He’s a billionaire.” Kat could practically hear Cassie shrug over the phone. “He can do whatever the hell he wants. We work at the mercy of his schedule. It’s take this meeting or wait another six months for another one.”

“We can’t afford to wait that long.” Kat’s brain was already starting to hum with numbers and lists for what needed to be done. She’d worked too hard on this project already, and honestly it wa

s a career-making idea. There was no way she was going to let anything happen to it. “Are you sure I have to come in today?”

“Only if you want this project to happen,” Cassie replied. “Renee isn’t answering her phone, and it’s her honeymoon. It’s just you and me to get this done.”

Kat groaned. She should have just not answered her phone, too.

“I need you to know there is a really, really handsome man sleeping in the next room right now that you are going to make me leave,” Kat informed Cassie. “Really, really handsome.”

“Thor-level handsome?” Cassie asked.

“Better. The body of Michael Phelps and the eyes of Paul Newman,” Kat replied.

“Wow,” Cassie whistled. “Young or old Paul Newman?”

“Does it matter?”