Kat floated down the strip of wood floor to the back part of the suite, where floor to ceiling windows were located, looking out across the city. The view from the room was just as incredible as the room itself. Kat suddenly felt like she was some kind of rock star. If only for a moment, she felt completely on top of the world. She felt like a queen in a castle, and even if it wasn’t completely true, she could at least pretend. It changed her demeanor. There was suddenly power inside of her.

While her eyes were glued to the scenery beyond the hotel, AJ stepped up behind her and placed his hands on her sides. She breathed in and closed her eyes, as his touch created a pleasurable sensation inside of her.

“Hey, beautiful,” he whispered.

His breath landed across the back of her neck, sending goose bumps across her skin. He pulled her body against his, and she reached her hands back to touch him. The way he called her beautiful only made her want him more. Sure, he had probably said that to many women before her, but there was something so sincere in the way he said it to her. It made her completely drop her walls.

“Where were we?” AJ asked.

Kat turned around, facing him. Then she gave him a goofy smile and placed a finger on her l

ower lip. “You were going to fix me a drink.”

AJ’s expression changed and he looked at her like she was crazy. “Oh, I was, was I?” AJ mused.

“Yes,” Kat gleamed, proud of herself for putting her sassy pants back on. “I’ll take a vodka cranberry, with soda water and a bit of lime.”

AJ put his hands on his hips, shaking his head as he smirked. “Well, I don’t know how to respond to a request like that. Will ‘as you wish, my lady’ do?”

Kat looked up toward the ceiling, as if to ponder his question. “Yeah, that has a nice ring to it. I could live with that.”

AJ chuckled and then spun around. Kat looked at his butt as he walked toward the kitchen. His muscular physique made her want to rip those clothes off so badly, but she knew that there was no hurry. She could savor the moment as long as she liked. Her new-found confidence told her that she wasn’t going to screw it up. AJ adored her and Kat bathed in the adoration.

“Now, Princess Kat, would you like one squeeze of lime or two?” AJ asked, as he took the bottle of vodka down from the fully stocked bar.

“I’ll take two, thank you, sir,” Kat shot back, giggling as she spoke.

AJ made the drinks with a smile and then stepped from around the bar and handed one to her. “You know, I can’t remember the last time a girl successfully used her beauty to get me to do something for her. I hope you don’t abuse this power of yours.”

Kat let out a fake gasp before speaking. “I would never!” She took a sip from her drink.

AJ drank and then set his glass down on the counter. Kat take another few sips, and then AJ took the drink from her hand. He set it next to his and then brought his attention back to her.

“I hope the drink suited you, madam,” he said, as he gazed through her with his blue eyes. “But now that you’ve quenched your thirst, I’d like to have that kiss that I’ve been waiting for.”

Kat giggled as she brought her hands onto his muscular shoulders. She stood on her tip toes, bringing her face to the same level as his. The man was the definition of perfection, and there he was, alone in the room with her. Kat felt like she’d like to have a talk with anybody who ever said that dreams didn’t come true.

“Then kiss me,” she whispered.

AJ didn’t hesitate any longer. He brought his lips to hers, gently pressing into her. Sparks few and the tingling sensation that Kat had felt in the limo turned into an all out wildfire. A rush of heat filled her from head to toe, settling in her most sensitive parts. The kiss didn’t calm her craving. It only made it more intense. Their tongues were gently darting in and out of each other’s mouths, until AJ pulled away.

“You’re trouble,” he said.

“I know,” she responded with a grin.

Then Kat placed her hands on the front of his chest and gently pushed him back. He didn’t fight it. He just let her handle him, allowing her to push him until his back met the edge of the wall that separated the kitchen and the living area. She was all his. And judging by the bulge that had grown underneath the front of his slacks, AJ was completely fine with that.

They kissed again, this time more aggressively and with more passion. Their mouths opened immediately and their tongues clashed. Soft moans came from them both as they became entangled there against the wall. AJ’s hands drifted downward along her lower back, until they reached her butt. He gave it a soft squeeze and Kat let out a playful growl as they continued their kiss.

Kat’s hands moved up and down AJ’s chest. She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted to touch him everywhere and to taste so much more than just his kiss. It was like the more she got of him, the more she wanted and she wasn’t sure that anything would be able to quench the deep thirst that she had for him.

A moment later, she broke the kiss. She was panting and her cheeks had flushed. The desire in AJ’s eyes matched what she was feeling inside. She was ready. She had been ready since the dance floor, but now she was really ready.

Her hands went straight to the top buttons of his dress shirt, which she undid quickly. Her jaw continued its downward drop as she opened up his shirt, one button at a time, revealing a ripped and muscular torso underneath. His skin was tan and there was a sexy amount of chest hair over his pectorals, which normally would have been enough to send Kat’s panties flying off of her body. However, AJ’s muscular frame was what really had her hypnotized.

“You weren’t lying,” Kat muttered, as she undid the final button.

AJ pulled the dress shirt the rest of the way off and let it fall to the ground at their feet. “Lying about what?” he asked.