“I'm going to go feed the sharks. At least they don't care how I smell,” I said, rising to my feet.

“Be careful they don't mistake you for a fish,” he called out as I headed to the back door. I considered making an inappropriate hand sign in his direction, but I knew he would enjoy that too much.

Outside, the air held the sweet promise of evening. The sky glowed purple as the last streaks of red and orange shifted into dusk. The heat from the day still lingered, but with the sun tucked firmly in bed beyond the horizon, it was just a radiant heat instead of demanding. I loved this evening time. The nocturnal world was just coming alive while the day prepared to rest. It was a magical time where anything could happen.

The waves shushed gently in the distance. With the oncoming night, the sharks were active. I watched them for a moment as they glided through the water. They were regal. Kings of the water, even as pups. I kicked off my sandals and stepped into the cool water.

A tingle of electricity went up my legs. I loved being in the water with the sharks. They were still dangerous despite their size, and I craved the surge of adrenaline I felt by being with them. If anything could make me forget my heartache, it was these guys.

I went until the hem of my shorts brushed the

water. The larger lemon pup swam close, and then back to deeper water. My little sharks weren't quite so little anymore. The plan had been to release them back into the Grove this week, but with the impending destruction, I hated the thought. They might be big enough to survive when construction begun, but I had grown attached to them. I wanted them to make it and not just possibly survive. They deserved the best chance they could get and I wasn't sure it was at the Grove anymore.

I skimmed the surface of the water with my fingers, watching the moonlight catch and shimmer on the ripples. There was another mangrove outcropping further down the island. It didn't have as large a reef, or as good a placement on the island, but it was an alternative for their release. Unfortunately, it wouldn't work for my thesis. I swallowed down the anger rising in my throat. It just wasn't fair. The Grove was just so perfect for my research and the island.

“You love them, don't you?” Noah asked, his voice soft in the darkness. I startled and turned around quickly to see him on the edge of the pool. He looked handsome in the moonlight, softer and more romantic. It terrified me. The irony that I was in a pool with sharks and I was terrified of leaving it was not lost on me.

“You shouldn't be here,” I said. I was proud that my voice didn't waver, even though I was shaking like a leaf. I wished he would go away, but at the same time I wanted him to stay. As much as I wished it wasn't true, I still loved him. One day of heartbreak wouldn't take that away.

“I couldn't sleep last night,” he replied, ignoring my statement. His eyes were dark pools as he watched me. “I just kept dreaming of you.”

He took a step closer to the water and slid out of his shoes. I stared at his bare feet, hoping that he would come closer and praying that he wouldn't. I stayed silent.

“So, since I couldn't sleep, I went for a walk last night, and I found myself at our sandcastle.” His hands were behind his back. He wore a dark blue polo that accentuated the strength in his shoulders and displayed his beautiful arms. “The rain had pretty much washed it all out to sea, but I could still see it. I realized that it was the most beautiful thing I had ever built.”

When he stepped into the water, my heart threatened to burst out of my chest.

“I have hundreds of spectacular hotels. Architectural jewels and historical treasures that I've turned into five star hotels, but that sandcastle was the most beautiful thing I have ever built because I made it with you,” he explained. He took another step. I held my breath, waiting to hear what he said next, wishing my own heartbeat wasn't so annoyingly loud. He pulled his hands out from behind his back and presented me with a small, glass bottle. “This is my message in a bottle. I've been stranded on an island of money, and I didn't even realize it.”

I took the bottle in my shaking hands. It was the shape of a small bottle of wine and made of clear glass with a cork stopper. There was sand and a rolled up piece of paper resting inside of it.

“Will you read it?” he asked quietly. His voice held hope and desperation. I looked up from the delicate glass to see his face. Moonlight shone in his eyes, fear and concern sparkling in their depths.

I pulled the stopper out, and carefully picked out the piece of paper with my fingers before replacing the stopper. I unrolled the paper, being cautious not to drop it or the bottle in the water. Despite my care, I nearly did when I read it. It was the deed to the Grove.

“It's yours,” he said, answering the question in my eyes. “It should have always been yours. I should have made the connection, but I was too wrapped up in securing another amazing business deal to realize what I was doing to you.”

I opened my mouth, then shut it. I didn't know what to say. I needed to sit down, but I was in the middle of a pool and he was blocking my exit. I carefully rolled the paper up and put it back in the bottle. My breathing was ragged, and my heart rate was out of control.

“I need to ask you something,” I said quietly, desperately trying to sort out the tangle of emotions in my chest.

He took a step closer so that we were almost touching. I looked up into his eyes and saw nothing but honesty. “Anything,” he whispered.

“Why did you decide to stay on the island?” The question had been burning into my very being ever since Danica had mentioned it. I needed to know.

“For you,” he said simply.

“Not to buy this?” I asked, holding up the bottle containing the deed. He shook his head and smiled softly.

“I could've bought that property just as easily from my office in New York. I stayed for you.” He paused and slowly raised his hand to my cheek. “I'll stay for you.”

My breath caught in my throat. Raw emotion washed over me in waves: shock, happiness, relief, hope, and finally love. I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face as I smiled up at him, seeing the same mix of emotions reflected in his blue eyes. I didn't know if I kissed him first, or he kissed me, but somehow our lips met and the world righted itself.

I kept my arms wrapped around him when we broke apart for air. I never wanted to be separated from him ever again. Noah's eyes were bright with tears of joy as he kissed my forehead.

“Why is there sand in here?” I asked, shaking the bottle gently. The grains of sand made a peaceful sound against the glass. The sharks swam near our feet.

“It's from our castle. The foundation was all that was left,” he explained. He locked eyes with me. “That's where I'd like to start with you again.”