“Are you okay?” Tiffani asks, putting her hand on my knee.

“I'm okay Sweetness, promise,” I say as I grab her hand without thinking and bring it up to my lips. Then I place it back on my knee.

When she bites her bottom lip and squirms a little in her seat I know I'm getting to her. We sit there for a second just staring at each other before Jules turns around.

“See, told you. Baby daddy,” she says before wiggling her eyebrows.

Grinning, I turn back to Tiff “Baby daddy, eh?”

“Oh my God Juliet! I can’t believe you just said that.” She gasps and pulls her hand away. Oh, we are definitely going to get to work on that baby daddy part. I'm in the middle of daydreaming about eating chocolate off Tiff’s body when Matt pulls into the underground parking garage and parks in his spot. He gets out of the truck and goes around to open the door for Jules. Tiff makes a move to get out, but I put my hand on her knee.

“You don't think I'm going to let you get away from me that fast do you?”

“Well seeing as you’re currently Mr. Gimp you'll just have to catch me, won't you?” She sasses and hops out of the truck.

Fuck she is a feisty one. I can't wait to see what she's like when I get her under me. I get out of the truck as quickly as I can, which isn’t very fast seeing as she’s not wrong. I am kind of a gimp at the moment.

By the time I'm around the truck, she has already joined Matt and Jules by the elevator. Hell, for a woman so short, she moves hella fast.

When I catch up with them at the elevator, they’re inside, with Matt holding the door for me.

“Oh, thanks. So nice of you to wait.” I say sarcastically. I walk in and stand right next to Tiff, leaning in close. “You can run all you want Sweetness, but no matter how far you run I will always catch you.”

She turns the prettiest shade of pink I have ever seen but doesn’t say anything the rest of the way to the penthouse. As soon as the elevator door opens the girls get out and head to the kitchen while Matt stays back with a dreamy look on his face.

“Please tell me I do not look like that when I look at Tiffani.”

“I have no idea what you're talking about man. Hurry up my Dollface is making dinner, and I'm hungry,” he says, never taking his eyes off his girl. By the way he says hungry I have a feeling he is not talking about food.

We follow the girls into the kitchen where Jules has already started taking stuff out of the fridge. “Babe where are your pans?” Walking up behind her he kisses the side of her neck before grabbing the pan. “Cam, you go sit down you are of no use to me. Tiff I may be making your favorites, but you still have to help. Babe, you can sit there and look pretty.”

Matt laughs and then sits down at the island, but Tiff and I don't move Jules gives us a stern look. “Chop chop.” Laughing, I move over to the other side of Matt and sit down while Tiff walks over to Jules. Matt and I talk about how the football game with OCU went.

Neither of us pay attention to what we are saying while we watch our girls. It’s fascinating watching them work together. They don’t even have to talk to know what the other person needs as Tiff cuts vegetables, Jules starts to cook something that looks like spaghetti.

By the time dinner is done I’m exhausted, and my ribs are killing me. “Thank you so much for dinner Jules, it was amazing.”

“It's one of my favorites. Tiff’s ma taught me everything I know.” I raise my eyebrow and look across the table at Tiff

“You know how to cook like this?”

Tiff laughs. “Um no. Ma has been trying to teach me how to cook my entire life, but somehow I just don't have a knack for it. I got my Pops baking skills though.”

“Are you the one who makes the eclairs at Peterson’s?”

She smiles, “Maybe.”

“I will take that as a yes.” Laughing, I stand up from the table. “I gotta get in the shower and take my meds. Thanks again for dinner Jules.” I look Tiff up and down before grinning. “Sweetness, I’ll see you in the morning.”

There is that pretty blush again.

“Don't get your cast wet,” Matt yells at me as I walk towards the room I always stay in when I'm in town.

“Got it Doc, this ain't my first rodeo.”

It takes me a lot longer in the shower than I anticipated. Trying to shower with a busted arm and bruised ribs is a bitch. By the time I am done, I am about ready to fall on my face.

Walking into the bedroom I usually stay in, I see my Spitfire asleep in my bed. I’m in awe at the sense of contentment I feel at the thought of falling asleep with her every night and waking up with her every morning.