“You know damn well that Charlee can’t keep her damn mouth shut to save her life.” I would get mad at him for talking about her like that, but he's not lying. Plus, she’s like a little sister to him. So, I'll give him that.

“Fine, but when are you going to forgive me?”

“As soon as your girl gets pregnant and I get to tell everyone.”

“fine.” We both glare at each other as Trish the bitch comes in trying to get all up on my dick.

“Hey Cam, how are you feeling? Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Yeah, you can get me wrapped up, so I can get the fuck out of here.”

She has been hitting on me since high school. While she is pretty, she has never been my type. Quite frankly, I’m getting tired of her always trying to get in my pants.

“Okay doll, you just let me know if you change your mind.” Marc clears his throat.

“Yeah Trish, that’s not going to happen. How about you go get Magen for us. She can help us out.” He says through clenched teeth. He has had his fair share of Trish’s shit. She never gives up, and I'm pretty sure every man in this town has had enough of it. Huffing, she turns on her heel and walks out the door. Two minutes later Magen comes in with everything she needs to fix me up.

“Hey guys, what’d you do this time Cam? I swear you’re in here at least every other month,” she says as she starts to wrap my arm.

“Hey! This time doesn’t count I fell through a roof.” I say in mock outrage. Okay, so I might have been in here like two, maybe three times this year. It wasn’t all my fault. I may have gotten food poisoning from trying to make a cake by myself, and I may have decided I was going to go mudding. Then there was the time that I may or may not have fallen off the truck while goofing off.

“Fine, it may have been a little bit my fault.” Marc and Megan both look at me and start laughing. “Hey, knock it off, I’m hurt here, woman.” I glare at them.

“Okay, you big baby. Let’s get you taken care of.”

It takes about twenty minutes to get me all wrapped up. A few curse words later I'm all set to leave, I just have to wait to get my discharge paperwork.

Chapter Three


When Jules left to see Matt, I decided that I’d go down to Tiff’s Treats and look everything over. I’ve spent the last three hours working at the shop. I have a few things I need to get in order before I can officially open next week. I may be excited, but I'm freaking out just a tad. I want everything to go perfectly the first day. You know the old saying “First impressions last a lifetime?”

Well, I want my customer's first impression of Tiff’s Treats to be flawless.

I have more of my mother in me than I thought. She is a perfectionist, and I may have a slight OCD problem. That’s part of the reason it took so long getting the shop up and running. If I can get my contractor to finish the fucking bathroom before Sunday, we will be able to open Monday morning.

Unfortunately, my apartment won't be done until next week sometime, so I am just going to see if I can stay with Jules until then. That way I don’t have to drive back and forth. Now that I know she’s with Matt, I don't see how that’s going to work. Maybe I can still stay there while she is at Matt’s place. I’ll have to ask her about it once she gets here.

She told me to wait for her here, so I could show her the shop when she got back. I'll ask her then. I go into the kitchen and make sure I have all the supplies I need and that everything is where it should be.

Then I go into my back office to check and see if I have everything for the books and that I don’t need to go to Office Max to get anything.

I still need to get a couch and maybe a better chair. All though I highly doubt I will be back here. Oh, fuck me, I forgot to put a help wanted to sign up.

It’s okay I take a deep breath and calm myself down. I can put one up tomorrow. It’s all good.

It’s about seven when she finally gets here. It’s already dark outside when she walks in.

“Damn woman, what the hell took you so long?”

She turns bright red “I um… it took a little longer at the Hospital then I thought it would. Then I had to go park my car at the apartment.”

“Oh, I bet it did take “longer” than you thought it would,” I say as I wiggle my eyebrows.

She opens her mouth to say something, but before she can, a massive guy with black hair comes in. He’s looking at Jules like a love-sick puppy, this must be Matt.

“Hey baby, I got the truck parked and Cam’s in the back. Have you talked to Tiff yet?” he asks before looking over Jules' shoulder to see me.