Fuck, yesterday when I found out she worked at Peterson’s, my favorite shop to get my sweets fix, I lost it. If I had known she worked at Peterson’s, I would have had her a year ago.

It’s still hard to believe that the woman I have been dreaming about for the last month has been right under my nose the whole time.

I don’t know how I haven’t seen her before. I have been going to that bakery for over a year. They have the best eclairs in Texas. Some might say that I have an unhealthy addiction to sweets, particularly to chocolate. When I get off my shift, I’m going to ask her out.

I should ask Jules for her number the next time I see her. No wait that would be weird to just have a random man call you and ask you out. Hell, I’d probably get the cops called on me.

Around eleven, we are called out to a fire at the old elementary school. Once we are cleared to enter the building, I head up to the roof. My section is typically checking the roof access to see if there are any signs of life. It’s usually just animals, but once I did find a very high gentleman who thought he was re-enacting The Hangover, so I always check.

One minute I'm thinking about fucking Tiffani’s tight little body while she feeds me an eclair, the next minute I'm falling through the roof. Once I hit the ground, I don’t remember anything until I wake up at the hospital.

Even then, everything is pretty much a blur. I don’t even know how long I was out for. I'm not entirely sure what kind of drugs they gave me, but I'm rambling like a lunatic. I am ready to go home. Marc tells me I talked about Tiffani in my drugged-up state.

That’s not creepy at all. I am halfway in love with a girl I don’t even know, but this feels like a close call. I will meet my Spitfire as soon as humanly possible. When Matt finally comes into this white prison cell that smells like antiseptic, I lay into him immediately. It took him forever to finally get here.

“Hey, fucker, what took you so long? I wanna get out of here.” He better let me go home. I fucking hate hospitals, and I want to go see my Spitfire. She doesn’t know that I exist, but I am going to change that as soon as this mother fucker lets me out of here.

“Well seeing as you have a concussion, a broken rib, and you fucked up your arm I’d say that’s a no go. Not unless you have somewhere to stay. Someone needs to be able to take care of you.” Hell, that’s not going to work. My family is out of town, and I haven’t been with anyone in over a year. So that leaves me with going home with one of these guys. Turning over I look at Marc.

“No-can-do man. T is crazy hormonal, and she would probably kill your whiny ass.” Marc says with a shrug

Hell looking over at Matt I try to fold my arms only to have my arm spasm and my rib feel like a hot poker going through it. Sweet baby Jesus. I bite my lip to keep myself from screaming like a little baby bitch.

“If you behave yourself you can stay with Jules and me at my place,” Matt tells me before his brows frown and it looks like he’s trying to solve a math problem.

“Earth to doc, you space out there?” Fuck I really want to get out of here. “Nah man, that's the look a man gets when he's in love and thinking about his girl,” Marc says smirking. Then the fucker throws his legs upon my bed.

“You bet your ugly ass I'm in love with the sexiest girl in the world. She is amazing.” Matt gives him a shit-eating grin.

“Now you.”

“Cam, you can kindly calm your tits, you’re going to be here for at least another forty-five minutes. They have to get you a pretty pink cast, and we need to wrap your ribs. Now play nice with Marc while I go call Jules to make sure you can come over.”

“Oooh gotta call the misses already, She the boss now? And why the fuck do I gotta have a pink cast?” I say while rolling my eyes. Damn, I mean I could totally rock a pink cast, but still.

“Because that’s the color I told them to put on. Oh, and FYI you and Miss Eclair are going to be the same way from what I hear, and everyone else in the hospital can hear that you’re planning on telling her you loooove her.” I feel myself flush, and he just gives me an evil smile “Maybe we should have Jules call her up and tell her, hmmm?”

“You wouldn’t.” No, no, no that would be even worse than me calling her without her knowing who I am.

“Ooh he wouldn’t, but I totally would.” Marc pipes in with a devilish smile, pulling his phone out of his pocket.


at the fuck Marc, you're supposed to be on my side.” I glare at him. He’s supposed to be my best friend besides fuck face over here telling me I can’t go home.

“Wait, how the hell do you have Jules’ number?” Matt demands.

“Matt calm your shit; the girls get their hair done by her. Do you really think it would be that hard for me to get her number? Don’t go all Hulk on me for fuck sakes.” He says before turning his head back to me. “And you, Cameron Galvington, were supposed to keep it a secret that Tegan was pregnant and instead you blabbed to everyone.”

Oh shit. Okay, I didn’t tell everyone just my sister and she kinda sorta told her best friend before I knew it half the town knew. Marc glares right back at me for a second before looking at his phone like he really wishes he had her number.

“Okay well, I’ll let you guys deal with that while I go tell Trish you’re ready to be wrapped up. I’ll be back in after and let you know what Jules says.”

“I can go Hulk all I like, ass. You do it all the time when any man gets near T.” Matt says to Marc as he leaves the room. Marc then starts in on me.

“I still wanna kick your ass.”

“Come on dude, you know I didn’t mean for the word to spread. I was just really excited, and ya know it just popped out.”