“How did you have time to do all this?”

“I called in reinforcements JoJo and Charlee came over while we were at the wedding. I, however, owe Charlee a favor so we will have AJ for the weekend.”

Giggling I put his hand on my lower stomach and turn my head kissing the side of his jaw.

“That's okay, Love. It'll give us practice for when our little one is here.” He goes still behind me and his hand tights a little on my stomach.

“Are you saying what I think you're saying?” I quickly turn, so I’m facing him with my legs on either side of his thighs.

“I took the test today. You're going to be a daddy.” He sits there for a second staring at me.

“I'm going to be a daddy?” I feel myself flush and bob my head. His face breaks out into a huge smile he places his hand on my lower stomach.

“Are you happy?” I ask as I run my fingers through his five o'clock shadow he closes his eyes and leans into my touch.

“Sweetness this is the best day of my life. Not only did the love of my life agree to marry me, but she's also giving me a beautiful baby.” My eyes fill with tears

“I love you so much Cameron, I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”



Three Years Later

My wife has made me the happiest man alive. Three years strong and that won’t ever be changing. Not that I would let it. About three months after we got married, she gave birth to our son, Chris. He really lights up our life. He is not happy about the fact that Tiffani is pregnant again with our second baby, though.

He keeps telling us to “give that baby back.” We laugh and tell him there is a no return policy. We are having a baby girl this time. Her name is going to be Talia Suzette.

Tiffani being pregnant does things to me. That causes me to completely be more caveman than usual. Possessive doesn’t begin to cover it. Obsessing about the foods she eats and how much strain she puts on her body are my current dilemmas.

After getting home and peeking in on her when she was putting Chris to bed. Showering after a straight twenty-four-hour shift, she hears me in the bathroom and comes in talking to me as usual. Tonight, though she sheds her robe and joins me in the shower. She lathers my back and gives me a fantastic shoulder massage.

“Sweetness,” I groan. After all these years, her touch still drives me fucking crazy.

“I missed you, Cameron.”

“I missed you too. I am off for three days this time. Donnie is training three new guys.”

“That’s awesome. You deserve a break. I know you are tired, Love.” Her hands work my strained muscles like a professional. Her belly brushes my ass, and I put my hand on hers to still them. Turning to face her, I move my hands up to cup her face. Leaning down to place a light kiss on her pouty lips is the only thing I can do right now.

“You don’t have to do this for me Sweetness. I know you’ve had your hands full with Chris. Let’s finish up here and go to bed.”

“I wanted to help you, but I will admit that sounds amazing.” She steps out of the shower and grabs a towel. She skids sideways, and I reach out and grab her waist, steadying her.

“Sweetness, don’t get clumsy on me now.” My life flashed before my eyes when it looked like she was going down.

“Sorry, I’ve been doing that a lot lately. I am so much bigger this time around.”

“I know, and I love it,” I say rubbing her belly.

“It’s making me off balance though. I am too big now, you hate the way I look, I can tell.” I absolutely don't, but I know her hormones are wreaking havoc on her. When her eyes fill with tears, I lose it. I step out of the shower stall and pull her into my arms.

“Sweetness, I love the way you look. You know I can’t keep my hands off of you. Pregnant or not, you never need to worry about me and what I think. But just in case you don’t know, I love the fuck out of you, and the way you look is only about 1% of that. Trust me though, you are sexy as fuck no matter what. You just focus on growing our little human. Can you do that for me?

“I can do that Cam. I love you so much.”

“I love you too. Now, can I get you an eclair for the time being? Does that sound good?” Last pregnancy she couldn’t eat chocolate. Even working with it made her nauseous. This time around all she wants is chocolate and beef jerky. Sometimes together. That is the worst smell you can imagine times two.