When Anthony chuckles, I look up to see him staring at him. “Hey, buddy, what's your name?” He asks with a smile. Cameron looks up as if he just remembered that I was standing next to a guy.


his is AJ and Charlee, my sister, and I'm Cameron, you are?”

Anthony looks away from AJ as if he didn’t even realize he was there. “I'm Anthony. Tiffani’s Brother.” I didn’t realize how tight Cameron's shoulders were until Anthony says he is my brother. I can visibly see him slowly start to relax.

“Want to help AJ and I with some sweets, Sweetness?” I feel myself flush as Anthony looks from AJ to Cameron to Charlee then back to the baby. She’s standing there ringing her hands together.

“Sweetness?” Anthony asks with a raised brow.

AJ starts to cry. “Nonuts.” Anthony lets it go for now as he looks back at AJ “Come on little man, let’s get you those donuts and then all of us can chat.”

Sniffling, AJ looks up at him with big blue eyes “Nonuts?”

“Yep, Nonuts. What about you, Amore, do you want anything?”

I stand there open-mouthed at the endearment. Anthony never uses Italian nicknames unless it is family.

Charlee turns bright pink. “Uh… Okay?”

“How about you guys go find us a table, and I will help Tiffani with our stuff?” Cameron says as he hands AJ to Charlee.

I’m still not sure if he is Cameron’s kid or Charlee’s, but I don’t have to wait long for my question to be answered.

“Mama, you nonut?” Charlee laughs and kisses his cheek

“Yeah, Bubba Mama wants a donut too.” He squeals and starts to clap his hands again.

“Come on Amore lets go get a table.”

“Okay.” They walk off, and I look over at Cameron only to see that he is staring at me.

“Hell, Sweetness I don’t think I have ever been more jealous than when I saw you in the arms of another man.” He growls out before sneaking his arm around my waist and kissing my lips lightly.

When he pulls back, I bite my lip. No way am I going to tell him that I was ready to start a full-blown catfight with Charlee. I'll keep that little tidbit to myself.

“Uh… how about those donuts?”

“Okay Sweetness, but you gotta sit with us too. Ask Emma if she can man the front while you have brunch.”

“Okay.” Damn is that is that my voice? Why the hell is it so breathless? He chuckles and kisses my cheek before letting me go. I walk around the counter and grab our stuff before taking off my apron. “Hey Em, can you take over the front for me? I will be right over there.”

I point to where my brother and Charlee are talking. “If you need anything just let me know okay?”

“Sure thing Boss I got this,” Emma says as she grabs the coffee pot and walks over to another customer. I hand Cameron two plates, and I grab the other three then we start to make our way over to the table. This should be lovely.

Our first non-date is with my brother and his sister.

Chapter Eight


I underestimated the love I could have for this woman. I have been going out of my mind for the last two weeks trying to find a way to get my little Spitfire to come around. I want to tie her to me in every way. I keep picturing her round with my child. We have been talking for an hour, but it only felt like minutes.

"Walk me outside?” I ask.

Charlee took AJ home twenty minutes ago, and Anthony left right after.