“Hey bro, how’d it feel? You know, falling through a roof?”

“Oh, you know it felt like falling on a puffy cloud,” I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes. Smart ass loves to fuck with me.

“So, what’s this I hear about you having a pink cast and telling everyone you love a girl you’ve never met?”

“I got a pink cast because I can rock the shit out of it thank you very much. And FYI I did I got to meet my Spitfire.”

I say as I put my hand on my hand on my hip turning around I walk to the closet grabbing a pair of pants and a shirt only to look at them in dread, this is going to hurt like a bitch.

“Oh really? Fuck, hold on. AJ, no, no baby, don’t eat that.”


Walking out of the closet I throw my shirt and my phone on the bed putting it on speaker. I can hear her telling him he’s not allowed to eat mommy’s iPad.

My Laugh is cut short when I sit on the bed and try to put on my pants. Jesus, Mother Mary, I grunt as I try not to pass out when I bend over putting my pants on. I hear AJ start laughing and Charlee drop the phone.

“Mother fluffer. How the hell did you get your diaper off? Come back here.” I stand and try buttoning my pants. No one tells you how hard it is to do up your pants with one hand. It takes me a few tries, but I finally get it right when Charlee picks the phone back up.

“Sorry, I’m back,” she says out of breath.

“It’s all good sis. I'm going to stop by, so I can see little man, maybe take him for a little bit so you can have a break. Sound good?”

“Oh my God! This is why I love you, you’re a Godsend. I get all his stuff ready.”

“Ok, I’ll be there in like an hour.”

“Okay,” She hangs up before I can say anything.

I put my shirt on and shoot Matt a text telling him I'm taking the truck, and he can pick it up at my place before putting my phone in my back pocket. I grab my keys from the dresser.

As I'm walking out of my room, I grab Matt’s truck keys and put on my Vans. Getting on the elevator, I go to the parking lot and old man my way into the truck.

The drive from Matt’s place to mine takes about thirty minutes. I bought a two-story Victorian right next to Marc’s house a couple years ago and have slowly been renovating each room. I have three rooms left, and I can’t wait for my little Spitfire to see the house.

I would have just taken Matt’s truck to Charlee’s, except I have a car seat in mine. I had Ryder grab my truck from the station when I was leaving the hospital.

Pulling into the drive

way, I get out of the truck, keys in hand and walk into the house. I'm starving, and I need to get something to eat before I go get little man and surprise my little Spitfire at work.

After all, who can resist my little wingman? By the time I'm done with breakfast and brushing my teeth, I have ten minutes to get to Charlee’s. I end up getting there around eight and knock before walking in.

“Where is my Bubba?” I sing out as I shut the door. I hear little feet running and giggles as AJ comes running toward me.

“Damdam, up.” He holds his arms for me to pick him up and I can’t help but chuckle and bend down. Shit, I bite my lip as I feel my ribs burn in protest. I'm starting to hate this just a little. When I have him positioned on my hip, he kisses my cheek.

“Go?” he says as he pats my cheek.

“Soon bubba, we got to say bye bye to mama.”

“Hey bro, how are you?” Charlee says as she comes around the corner with his diaper bag.

“Better now that little man is going to spend the morning with me,” I say as she stands on her tippy toes kissing my cheek

“Come ‘ere bubba. Mama wants kisses before you go bye-bye.”

He giggles and kicks his feet before turning to his mom. “Ta.”