Before I can think any further about it, I’m grabbing his hand leading him to my apartment.

“What made you decide to be a doctor Matty?” His new nickname rolling off my tongue like we have known each other forever.

“Nothing really. I’ve always known I wanted to help people and being a doctor pays well. I know that sounds crass, but when Candy and were growing up we never wanted for anything. I know now that my dad’s job paid minimum wage, so he worked over time. He also had a second job, and my mom had three just to make ends meet and give us the life they never had. Being a doctor is what allowed me to take care of them for once. Plus, there’s never a dull moment in a hospital.”

“I bet you can tell me all kinds of ER horror stories.”

“I could, but I won’t. Even crazy patients deserve privacy.” He says laughing.

“Believe me, I understand the need for privacy. I secretly write books,” I say softly. “I’ve never told anyone that before. I have a pen name and a semi-huge cult following on Amazon and social media.”

“Really? That’s fucking awesome. What kind of books? Would I know them? Why is it a secret? I’m sorry for all the questions, but I’m fascinated by this.”

“Well, I write erotic romance and my family is pretty prominent in Dallas. They would kill me if they knew about my night job. The day job almost kills them they are so snobby.” I say with a giggle.

“That sucks Dollface. I hear that some families can be brutal. What is your pen name? I have got to find one of your books.” He asks. He sounds like a little boy on Christmas morning.

“It’s JM Finn. Don’t be shouting that from the rooftops. It’s a closely guarded secret.”

“I’ll keep your dirty little secret.” He says crossing his hand over his heart.

“Yeah? You promise?”

“Yes, I promise, but I will be reading all of your books.”

“Deal,” I say laughing. “What do you do for fun Matty?”

“Fun? It’s been so long since I had any, but I do like golf and playing basketball. Watching movies. That sort of thing. What about you?” I love just holding his hand and walking with him, listening to southern lilt to his voice. Since my apartment is only a few minutes from Candy’s, and I was so caught up in our conversation, I didn’t realize we passed my building.

“We gotta turn around.”

“Oh, we passed it didn’t we?” He asks looking around. We almost made it to the park that sits at the end of Main Street.

“Yep.” I turn around and walk in back in the direction we came.

“You know, last night I was wondering how a virgin could talk so filthy.” At my blush, he continues. “Don’t get me wrong, I fucking loved it, but it threw me for a loop. Now I know it’s because you write all the dirty words.” I can’t help but laugh.

“That is one way of looking at it,” I say as I reach the outside door up to my apartment. “Well, this was fun,” I say, reaching into my purse and feeling around for my keys. Finding them, I pull them out.

“Oh, right.” He leans down and kisses me. “I’ll be seeing you real soon Juliet.”

“What? You’re not coming up with me?” I say, starting to panic.

“I thought you were telling me goodnight?” He says with a smile.

“Will we ever really have a good night without each other again?” I ask, shyly.

“No Dollface, we won’t. Get this door unlocked.” As I turn back to the door, I feel him come up behind me. He is hard against the small of my back. He moves my hair out of his way and is kissing my neck. Again. He has to know what that does to me. I am fumbling with the keys.

He stills my hand and turns the key that I finally get into the lock. I pull open the door and rush up the stairs. I can’t remember if I cleaned up before I left. Unlocking this door much quicker, I flip the light on and scan the room. Thank fuck. It looks good. He enters the room behind me.

“Now this apartment looks lived in. Not at all boring like mine.”

“Fuck. I forgot I said that. Sorry about that.”

“Why? It was the truth.”

“I’m still sorry. Sometimes I have no filter.”