“Tiffani? You think Tiff is the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen?” At his quick nod, she continued, “She will get a kick out of that. She’s currently finishing up pastry school in Dallas but has already bought a shop front on Main Street. She will be opening a bakery here.

“Oh fuck,” Gage says.

“What?” Jules asks.

“Cam loves baked goods. Chocolate has to be nailed down when he is around. She will never have another customer because Cam will get there as soon as she opens and eat every damn thing.

“I will not.” Cam chimes in.

Literally, everyone one but Jules and I roll their eyes.

“What? I’ll share.”

“Right,” Teagan says. “Who ate the entire chocolate pie last week, before the ham was even done? Hmmm?

Must have been ghosts.”

“All right. I have an addiction to chocolate. I may drive 35 minutes to the other side of Dallas to get mini-chocolate eclairs from Peterson’s just to get me through the day.” At this Jules bursts out laughing.

“What’s so funny? It isn’t that far.”

“Peterson’s on 80th?”


“Tiffani’s parents own that bakery. This is too funny. Tiffani will laugh her ass off at this.”

“Don’t tell her. It will seem creepy.”

“Alright, I won’t tell her, Cam.” She is still laughing.

“Dinner is ready.” Candy says

We all get our plates and head to the table where we all bullshit for a couple hours before everyone starts to head home. Candy wants to us to stay so she can visit with Juliet, but I need to spend some alone time with my girl.

Chapter Five


As we are leaving, I turn to the left and walk off in the direction of my apartment, he says “Did you Uber again, Dollface?”

“No, I walked. I live just above the diner.”

“Oh, I’ll walk you.” Upon my arched eyebrow, he continues,

“What? I can be a gentleman.”

“A gentleman of the wild west, maybe. With all the blackmail and carnal abilities. I bet you drink and gamble too.” I say with a laugh. He takes my hand and lets me lead the way toward my apartment.

“I’ll cop to the blackmail. Though I am glad you think I am carnal-worthy, I occasionally drink, but I like my money right where it is. That isn’t to say I haven’t enjoyed an occasional bachelor party in Vegas.”

“Hmm, the more I learn about you, the more I don’t like you,” I say more teasing than not.

He stops walking, causing me to stop too.

“Really? You wound me.” He has this serious look on his face makes my chest hurt a little.

“Oh my God! No, not really, silly.” He resumes walking, and I think about how much I didn’t like the dark look he had when I said that.