
“Well, well, well what do we have here?” I turn my head slightly and see Trish leaning against the door dangling a key from her fingertips.

“What the fuck Trish?” I quickly stuff my cock back in my pants zipping them up before turning around and covering Jules with my body. I expect her to be pissed or scream, but when I hear her start to snicker, I turn my head away from Trish and look at Jules who has turned around to glare at Trish.

“Baby, she's a girl you don't gotta protect me. Now if she doesn't get her eyes off my man she'll be the one needing protection from a very angry fiancé.” She says as she walks around me naked except for her sexy black panties and heels. She is hot as fuck and knows it.

“Now listen here Miss Twat Waffle. I won’t have Matt talk to your bosses about this little peeping tom thing and the allegations about you sleeping together if you don't say anything about what you saw in here. If not, I can find a very pleasant way to fuck up your face. Sound good?” She says as she folds her arms covering her sexy tits. Fuck, my girl is sassy as fuck.

I cough to hide my chuckle at the look on Trish’s face. It’s a cross between being shocked someone talked to her like that and pissed to be called out on her shit. And worried that she might lose her job seeing as I know this won't be her first reprimand.

She is known as Trish the bitch and has been trying to get in my pants for the last three years. She just hasn’t taken no for an answer.

When she doesn't say anything, Jules makes a step towards her. Causing Trish to quickly stomp her foot like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum.

“Fine, what the fuck ever.” She fumes as she slams the door.

“God, I love you.” The words just pop out of my mouth. She turns around so fast that she would have fallen if I hadn't wrapped my arms around her. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes

“You love me?”

“Dollface, I fell in love with you the moment you walked into the New Year’s Eve party like you owned the place with your red fuck me heels.”

“This is all happening so fast, but you know I love you too right?”

“I know now, Juliet,” I say as I kiss her swollen lips, leaving her breathless. I reluctantly move to let her out of my arms, but she stops me by grabbing both of my forearms, and her eyes go wide.

“Oh no, your food is cold.”

Chuckling, I make my eyes go really big “Oh no… It was so worth it baby. Plus, there’s a microwave right there.” I point to the right side of the room by the fridge.

She lets go of my arms quickly, turning she walks over to start putting her skirt back on.

“And where do you think you’re going little missy I’m not just a booty call. Your sweet little ass is going to eat with me.” I say as my mouth starts to water. I watch her as she bends down to get her skirt. Damn, she has the most delicious ass I’ve ever seen. I just want to bite it. When she laughs, I look up from her ass and see her looking at me.

“So, you wanna bite my ass huh?”

Holy fuck I can’t believe I said that out loud. I don’t think I have ever blushed before, but I’m pretty sure my face is bright red. Trying to play it off, I straighten my shirt and clear my throat. “Fuck yes I do, and I plan on fucking it one day too.”

“Promises, promises.” She says with a sassy wink as she pulls her shirt on and moves towards the picnic basket she brought. I walk over to the table and pick up her bra letting it dangle from my finger.

“Aren't you forgetting something.” Looking over her shoulder, she looks at the bra then at me.

“Nope figured you’d like that to go with my shoes.”

“That’s a good point. I plan on having a full outfit before we get married.”

When she laughs and turns back to plating up the food she brought. It smells fantastic as she puts it in the microwave. I try to help her get things ready, but she smacks my hand away and tells me to sit my ass down. I hold my hands up in surrender and do as I’m told.

“Yes, ma'am,” I say as I sit down at the table. After a few minutes, she brings me a huge helping of macaroni and cheese and ham. Don't tell my mama but it literally is the best mac and cheese I have ever had. If she cooks everything like this, I’m going to have to hit the gym at least two more times a week. “Hell, baby you're a damn good cook.” She blushes at my phrase, and it’s so cute I can’t help but lean over and kiss her softly.

“Just wait until you try this cake. Tiff is literally the most amazing baker this side of the Mississippi. I can’t wait for her to fall for Cam.”

“Oh, I know for a fact that he can’t wait for her to fall for him either,” I say with a wicked smile.

“What’s that smile for?” she asks with her head tilted to the side. “He is actually here. That's why I had to come in. When I got to his room, he was going on about how he loves the eclair lady from Dallas, and plans to tell her he loves her.”

She throws her head back and laughs “Oh God, she is going to eat him alive. I can’t wait.”