“No-can-do man. T is crazy hormonal, and she would probably kill your whiny ass.” Marc tells him as he shrugs his shoulders.

Cam looks at me and tries to fold his arms only to have himself grunting in pain, and I’m pretty sure if he weren't biting his lip he would have screamed. I calmly walk over to him and check his vitals making sure everything looks good.

“If you behave yourself you can stay with Jules and me at my place,” I tell him. I should probably talk to Jules about this and see what she thinks, but either way, we'll be spending the night together. I'll just have to call her after I’m done here. It's not too early for me to ask her to move in, right? We'll only be living in the penthouse long enough to find ourselves a house. Maybe I should just have Sam build us a house. I do have the rental, but a fresh start might be better.

Yeah, I'll do that. I don't realize that I literally just had an entire conversation with myself until a pair of fingers start snapping in front of my face.

“Earth to doc, ya space out there?” Cam asks in an exasperated tone.

“Nah man, that's the look a man gets when he's in love and thinking about his girl,” Marc says as he gives me a knowing smirk and flops his legs on the bed crossing them at the ankle.

I look over at the smug bastard, “You bet your ugly ass I’m in love with the sexiest girl in the world. She is amazing.” I tell them with a shit-eating grin.

“Now you.” I point to Cam and put my doctor face on.

“Cam, you can kindly calm your tits, you’re going to be here for at least another forty-five minutes. They have to get you a pretty pink cast, and we need to wrap your ribs. Now play nice with Marc while I go call Jules to make sure you can come over.”

“Oooh gotta call the misses already, She the boss now? And why the fuck do I gotta have a pink cast?” He says with an eye roll.

“Because that’s the color I told them to put on. Oh, and FYI you and Miss Eclair are going to be the same way from what I hear, and everyone else in the hospital can hear that you’re planning on telling her you loooove her.” I tell him with a wicked smile “Maybe we should have Jules call her up and tell her, hmmm?”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Ooh he wouldn’t, but I totally would.” Marc pipes in with a devilish smile, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“What the fuck Marc, you're supposed to be on my side.” Cam glares at him.

“Wait, how the hell do you have Jules’ number?” I demand as I take a step towards him. How the hell did he get her number before I did?

“Matt calm your shit; the girls get their hair done by her. Do you really think it would be that hard for me to get her number? Don’t go all Hulk on me for fuck sakes.” He says as he rolls his eyes at me like I just asked the stupidest question he has ever heard before turning his head back to Cam. “And you, Cameron Galvington, were supposed to keep it a secret that Tegan was pregnant and instead you blabbed to everyone.” Marc glares right back at Cam before looking at his phone like he really wishes he had her number.

“Okay well, I’ll let you guys deal with that while I go tell Trish you’re ready to be wrapped up. I’ll be back in after and let you know what Jules says.”

As I walk past Marc, I punch him in the shoulder “I can go Hulk all I like, ass. You do it all the time when any man gets near T.”

I hear him grunt before he starts bitching at Cam again as I shut the door. As I make my way towards the nurse’s station, I see Jules standing there with a basket and a pissed off look on her face as she says something to Trish. My girl looks like she’s about to punch her out.

Chapter Eleven


Oh, the twat waffle in front of me is about to die, who the fuck does she think she is telling me I can’t see Matt. With a quick glance down at her name tag, I semi-collect myself but realize I can’t be the bigger person here.

“Listen here Trish, Matt is my fiancé, and I can damn well see him if I would like,” I growl out.

Scoffing she flings her hair over her shoulder. When she does, I can see the obviously horrible extension job that she got done.

“Yeah okay, how can he be your fiancé when he was fucking me in the on-call room three days ago?”

“Oh! I'm going to jump over this nurse’s station and rip those stupid fucking extensions out of your goddamn hair and then bash your face into the desk.” As I make a step to do just that I see THE twat waffles eyes go wide and an arm wraps around my stomach keeping me in place.

“Woah there baby, I can’t have my fiancé going to jail for something that never happened.”

“Never happened?” I say, melting back into his chest.

“Of course not. Trish, I’m going to talk to your supervisor about this, I thought I made myself clear the last time I was here. I never have nor, will I ever have feelings for you.” He moves his arm from around my stomach and takes my free hand and takes the picnic basket from my other and leads me away from the heinous bitch. He leads me down the hallway into a dark room. Once he turns the light on, I see that is not a typical hospital room. It does have a hospital bed, but there is also a couch and a small refrigerator.

“So, fiancé, huh?” He says as he shuts the door, the click of the lock resounds in the quiet room.