“You should know better.” Her fiery attitude is just one thing I love about her.

“Maybe I should, but you should know me by now. I enter into everything with a calm head. I may have rushed in with Matt, but it was love at first sight. Nothing else matters to me anymore.

“Love?” She says softly.

“Yes, love. The kinda love that hits you square in the chest and almost makes it hard to breathe. Where you can be in a crowded room, and it feels like it is just the two of you in your own little bubble. It’s the kinda love we have always been looking for Tiff. It’s pure magic, and I have a feeling your little piece of magic is going to come soon.” I say as I think back to the googly eyes Cam got when I talked about Tiff the other day.

“Yeah right.” She snorts as she rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her coffee.

“Trust me. Now, where's my cake you wench? I want to celebrate with my bestie.”

“It's right here. I need all the details.”

So, I give them to her. Every sexy, sordid, detail. Well most of them. Some were just for me.

“Enough about me, tell me how the bakery is coming along. Are you still on track to open next week?”

“Yes. I am so fucking excited.”

“I think I already know who your best customer will be,” I say smiling. I move over to the sink and fill my Pioneer Woman stock pan with water. After placing it on the stove, I flip on my iPod, and the sounds of Justin Timberlake fills the tiny space. Tiff has begun her cake prep and preheating the oven.

“So… why exactly was it so urgent for me to make you these fuckin’ cakes anyway?” Tiff asks as she pours batter into two round cake pans.

“Well… I want to take dinner and desert to Matt at the hospital. Ya know kinda like a little picnic. I wanna show him that I’m a super awesome girlfriend. And you know if I was to make the cakes that would not happen. You know I’m shit with sweets.”

“No shit Jules.” She laughs. “Do you remember those cupcakes you tried to make last year? I think I used one as a doorstop for like two weeks.”

“Oh my god! Please never tell Matt that story. I am all savory.”

“Definitely. If the writing thing doesn’t work out, you could totally be a chef.”

“Aww thanks, Tiff. That really means a lot coming from you, my best friend, in my hour of need.” I say, clutching my hands to my chest.

She just looks at me and bursts out laughing. This right here is why this bitch is my best friend.

Chapter Ten


I make it to the hospital in record time. I may not have let on to Jules how worried I really am, but Cam is my best friend, and I’m scared shitless as to what I might see when I get there. I quickly get my badge and run into the ER, seeing Suzy.

“Hey Suzy, fill me in,” I say as I reach the nurse's station.

“Hey Matt, glad you made it. Cam has regained consciousness, and we took him down for some tests. He fell through a bad part of the roof and landed on the second floor. Donny and Marc were the first to arrive. He was unconscious for about two minutes by the time Gage got there with the ambulance. He was awake but not really coherent. He has been in and out of it since he got here. We have him in his room now, but he keeps going on about a girl who makes the best eclairs in the world. He says he has to tell her he loves her. I think he may have hit his head a little harder than anyone thought. We are just waiting for you to look at the test results.”

“Thanks, Suzy, what room do we have him in?” I ask as I start going over his scans.

“He’s in room 6. Marc is with him now. I’m off. Trish will be here when you get out.”

As I make my way towards Cam’s room, I read over his chart. It looks like he has a broken arm, a cracked rib, and a severe concussion. I let out a breath

I didn’t know I was holding. Nothing too serious, but the motherfucker had me worried.

As I get closer to the door, I can hear Cam talking about his long-haired beauty. Opening the door, I see Marc trying his hardest not to laugh as Cam goes on about how amazing these eclairs are.

“Hey, fucker, what took you so long? I wanna get outta here.” Cam glares at me almost as if daring me to say he isn’t allowed to go home.

“Well seeing as you have a concussion, a broken rib, and you fucked up your arm I’d say that’s a no go. Not unless you have somewhere to stay. Someone needs to be able to take care of you.” I say as I fold my arms. He turns his head to Marc and gives him a wounded puppy dog look.