For anything big or fancy we have to go Dallas, but sometimes that’s fun too. Tiff picks up on the second ring not even bothering to say Hello before going off on a tangent.

“It’s about fucking time you call me! What the actual fuck Juliet, I have been trying to get a hold of you for two days. Why the hell haven’t you picked up the phone.”

She ends her rant with a huff. I can just picture her putting her hands on her hips glaring at me.

“Oh my god Tiff, I’m so sorry, but I have a really good excuse. I promise I will tell you everything. Do you have time to come down?”

“Well duh, I’m already on my way, I’m about ten minutes from town. When you didn’t call me, I decided to come check on you myself. You know that I worry.”

“Okay good, meet me at my place. I need you to make me a cake.”

“What? Why do you need a fucking cake?”

“I’ll explain everything when you get here.”

“Fine.” She says in an exasperated tone.

We talk on the phone while I grab a hand basket and make my way down the aisles grabbing some of the necessities and of course the food I actually came here for. You know how it goes: You go in, for one thing, leave with a full basket.

“I’m at your apartment, hurry up bitch. I wanna know all the juicy gossip.”

“Calm your tits, I'm in the checkout line. I'll be there in a sec.” Laughing we hang up and am up next in line. Marla Denton is at the cash register. She is sixty-seven. She retired from City Hall and got a job here to keep up with all the gossip.

“Hey, Miss Denton. It’s so good to see you.”

“Juliet, how are you? I heard you were at breakfast with Dr. Pillman and that you guys kissed. How long have you two been dating and how is it that we are just now finding out?” I feel myself flush, and I’m not quite sure what to say.


“It’s all right dear we can talk about it at my next appointment.” Nodding my head, I pay for my stuff and quickly leave the store. I make my way back to my apartment. By the time I get home Tiff has already let herself in and has started a pot of coffee. I barely get the door shut before she is tearing me a new one.

“Well, we are both here you better spill the beans.”

“Well hello to you too Tiff. It’s nice to see you. I'm good thanks for asking.” I say as I roll my eyes at her and walk into the kitchen.

“Don’t you give me that shit. You know I love you, and you damn well know I was worried about you. The last I heard you were going to a party to lose your vcard, then poof you vanish for two whole days. I should kick your ass.”

She starts to cry, and now I feel horrible. I was so lost in my little world with Matt, that I forgot all about my best friend. Walking over to her I wrap her in a tight hug.

“I really am so sorry Tiff, you have always been the one person I can count on, and you always look out for me. I really didn't mean to not call you. I got so caught up in Matt that I was only thinking of myself.”

She pulls back wiping her eyes. “Wait who the hell is Matt?”

Wow, I have never seen her go from sad to mother hen so fast, and we have known each other for ten years. I can tell my face has turned cherry red.

“Well?” She says as she puts her hands on her hips and raises her brow.

“Ah… well, he is kinda sorta the guy I had sex with then I left my shoes at his place, you know… my Louboutin’s. Anyhow, he jokingly said I could have them back when I marry him. Then he showed up at Candy's, and it turns out he’s her brother. Later, we came back here and had hot monkey sex, and somehow, I love him, and we didn't use a condom.”

I know I am babbling, but I can't seem to stop the words. Tiff goes quiet, and her eyes keep getting bigger the more I tell her, and her mouth is hanging open. I am really starting to panic now that I am out of my bubble with Matt. What if it was all fake, what if I am moving too fast, what if I am just making this up in my head to be more than it is. “Tiff?” I ask.

“Wait, go back. You did what! Are you fucking kidding me right now?” she practically screams at me.

“Which part?” I can't help my smart-ass remark as I fold my arms.

“The whole thing. How could you be so stupid? Like for real Jules what the actual fuck?”

“Excuse me?” I'm more than a little pissed now.