Page 62 of Secret Agent Santa

“No, but they won’t be surprised by a call. If I call on your phone again, the call can’t be traced.”

“Let me think about it. First things first.”

“My son is first.”

“I know that.” He stroked her hair, littered with specks of dirt, but still soft.

“Okay, so what’s first for you?”

“Right now? You.”

Leaning against the window of the truck, she turned to face him, her eyes glittering in the low light of the truck. “You don’t have to say that.”

“I know.” He drew a line from her cheek to her chin. “But it’s true.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine.” She gathered her hair into a ponytail with one hand. “So, what’s next?”

“We’re going to pay a visit to Fiona.”

“Tomorrow? In person?”

“Correll’s taking that rich widow to the White House. It’s the perfect time to visit Spencer’s spurned lover.”

“We’re going to waltz right into Spencer’s office after he’s been presumably trying to kill me?”

“Presumably.” He held up one finger. “Ever hear of a disguise?”

She planted her palms on either side of her head. “My head is spinning. We’re going to Maryland first, though, right? Hiding out in Senator Bennett’s house? That makes a lot of sense.”

“He won’t be there, and you should fit right in. The Bennetts are loaded, too, and that house is staffed with servants. In fact, I’m surprised you don’t know Jase Bennett. You two must’ve traveled in the same circles, although you’re a little older than he is.”

“Watch it.” She punched his shoulder. “Do you think all rich people just sort of hang out together and go to the same schools and the same parties?”

“You mean you don’t?”

She stuck out her tongue at him, which gave him all kinds of ideas.

“Hey, as long as the Bennett house has hot and cold running water and a roof, I’m there.”

And after several hours and three different modes of transportation, they were there.

The brick colonial house with white siding and dark green shutters gleamed behind a tall gate. Mike had already put the word out, and Jase had facilitated their arrival.

One word from Mike into the intercom and the gates opened as if by magic. A housekeeper greeted them at the front door and didn’t even turn up her nose at their appearance, as grungy as they must’ve looked—and smelled.

“I’m Mrs. Curtis. Mr. Jason phoned ahead. None of the family is in residence, however, and the senator and his wife are in Paris for the holidays.”

“We won’t be any trouble.” Claire hugged her plastic bags to her chest and smiled.

“Mr. Jason indicated that you were to make yourself at home. You can call me via the intercom system in the house if you need anything, or just help yourself. There’s food in the kitchen, and there are two rooms at the end of the hall, upstairs to your right, ready for you.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Curtis. We can manage.” Mike took Claire’s arm and steered her upstairs. He whispered in her ear, “Two rooms?”

“I guess you forgot to tell Mr. Jason that you crossed the line between work and pleasure.”

He grabbed her hand. “Did I tell you I like the pleasure part a lot better than the work part?”

They stopped at the second-to-last room on the right, and Claire pushed open the door. “This is nice. I think the two rooms are joined by a bathroom.”

“You can have the shower first. I need to make a few more phone calls.”

She swung her plastic bags in front of her. “The shower will be great, but I’m afraid I wasn’t able to salvage many of the clothes I bought in Vermont.”

“Jase has a sister and he said you’re welcome to any of her clothes in the house. I don’t think she’s as tall as you, but she’s not short. You should be able to find something to wear.”

“And where are we getting our disguises? Not from Jase’s sister’s closet.”

“We’ll figure out something.” He pulled off his boots and fell across the bed. “When was the last time we ate? My stomach is growling like a hungry bear.”