I pushed open the heavy door to the maintenance hallway for Logan and Spock to enter. Stumbling in behind them, I looked down the beach toward the shack as I pulled the door shut. The storage shed was gone. A low, sick feeling filled the pit of my stomach. If Logan hadn't thought of where they might be...

I slammed the door shut against the storm. The rain and wind stopped pelting us, but the sounds of both filled the hallway. Tyler was pressed int

o Logan's chest, but he was breathing and awake. I pulled the walkie talkie from my pocket. “This is Olivia. We've got him. He's injured, but we've got him.”

“Roger that, Olivia.” Dr. James' voice crackled over the connection. I could hear Maddy crying in the background. “I'm in the lobby. Bring him home.”

“Spock?” Tyler's feeble voice asked, his head lifting to search for his beloved dog.

“He's here. We got him, too,” Logan told him. “We got you both. You're safe now.”

Tyler relaxed his head onto Logan's shoulder, but he kept his death grip on Logan's raincoat. Logan's eyes met mine for a brief moment. Their depths reflected the simultaneous relief and urgency I knew were in mine. Without another word, Logan turned and moved quickly back down the hallway toward the main lobby. Spock was right behind them, eyes up on Tyler's feet. One of his ankles didn't hang correctly and was already swelling. I swallowed down the lump in my throat as I scrambled after them, hoping that the obviously broken ankle was the worst of Tyler's injuries.

The storm howled against the tunnel and the lights flickered, but we didn't stop. Logan followed the path as if he had walked it a thousand times and before I knew it, we were to the lobby. Spock whined softly at Logan's heels, frustrated that he couldn't touch his master. I petted his head, unsure if the gesture was meant to soothe the dog or me, but it had a calming effect on both of us as we hastened after the man and boy.

Keiko was waiting for us and holding the door open. Warm yellow light from the lobby spilled onto the gray cement floor, beckoning us onward. Logan's pace increased, and I hurried my own to keep up. Safety lay in the direction of the lobby.

Maddy cried out Tyler's name as Logan emerged from the doorway and into the light of the lobby. She was at Tyler's side in a heartbeat, brushing the hair from his forehead and kissing his cheeks. Tears of relief ran down Maddy's face as she took in her son and thanked Logan profusely in a language that had been English before her emotion choked her words.

“Set him down here so I can check him out,” Dr. James instructed Logan, pointing to a chaise lounge in the lobby. Logan gently set the boy down on the green cushioned chair, careful to protect his ankle. Tyler clung to Logan's raincoat for a moment before finally letting his rescuer go. Spock lay obediently down on the floor at Tyler's feet, his eyes fixed firmly on his master.

Dr. James dropped his medical bag to the ground and quickly started checking Tyler out, moving efficiently and smoothly as he made sure the ankle was the worst of Tyler's problems. Tyler's brown hair was plastered to his head from the rain, contrasting with the paleness of his skin. Maddy stroked his head, gazing at her baby boy, her eyes brimming with tears of love.

Logan backed away slowly from the chaise lounge, and was slowly drifting from the group. I could tell he was trying to escape before anyone noticed. I blocked his path.

“You didn't have to do that,” I said, crossing my arms.

“Do what?” he asked, innocence painted on every word.

“Go out in a hurricane for a kid you barely know.” I searched his face trying to figure out why he had risked his life for Tyler. I was willing to go out there because I loved Tyler like he was my own and Dr. James was willing because it was his job to help people. But Logan? He was a billionaire playboy who, without me, had no connection to Tyler. Since our connection was no longer intact, he had no obligation to do anything.

Logan's dark eyes searched my face for a moment. “Then you don't know me very well.” He stepped to the side and walked around me, heading toward the elevators. I wanted to chase him down and hold him close, thank him for saving Tyler, and tell him how much I cared for him. But I couldn't. Not after this morning. Instead, I watched him walk away, feeling the hole in my heart growing larger with his every step.

I looked back at Tyler. He was smiling at something the doctor had said. His mother was holding onto him, tears running down her cheeks. I stood and let myself feel relief and gratitude that Tyler was safe. When Tyler's eyes found mine, I went to him.

“It looks like it's just a broken ankle, but we'll still need x-rays. That pain medication should last a few hours,” Dr. James said as I approached. “He's still in shock, so we'll need to keep an eye on him, but he should be fine. Let's get him dried off, warmed up, and rehydrated. I'll go get something to immobilize this.”

Dr. James ruffled Tyler's hair and stepped away. I went to my knees in front of the couch, putting myself at Tyler's eye level. I thanked the heavens that he had more color in his cheeks and was sitting up by himself. I had been terrified that he had been injured far worse than just a broken ankle.

“Hi, Aunt Liv,” he greeted me. I could see the stress of pain around his eyes, but he smiled anyway. Maddy had his hand firmly in hers. It looked as though she wasn't going to let go of it until he was in his thirties.

“You gave us a pretty good scare,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. Touching him made everything suddenly very real. Something inside me broke, and a tear trickled down my face. I quickly wiped it away.

“I'm really sorry about that.” He looked up at his mother and gave us both an apologetic smile. “I had to find Spock, though.”

“Next time, let someone know where you're going,” Maddy said gently. Her face fluctuated between being anger and relief. “I can't believe you just went off into the storm like that.”

“I didn't mean to!” Tyler explained, sitting up further. Maddy pressed his shoulders back down and he didn't fight her. “I thought he might be in that hallway and then I found an open door and I realized that Spock was probably at the shack. I didn't think it was going to be that windy. I got to the shack and tried to drag him out, but he was scared. And then the wind picked up again and that jet-ski flipped.” He paused, and he looked down at his knees. “I'm sorry, Mom.”

“I'm just so glad you're okay.” Maddy kissed his forehead. “You scared me.”

Tyler took the hand that wasn't trapped in his mother's grip and reached for the floor. Spock wiggled up to try and reach him, and almost all the way into my lap in the process. His pink tongue kissed Tyler's fingers and his tail thumped against the floor.

“Mom, can we keep Spock? I don't want to leave him here.” Tyler's voice cracked.

“Considering you went out in a hurricane to find him, we have to,” Maddy conceded. “I'd hate to see what you'd do if I left him here.”

I laughed softly. Tyler would be on a plane out here so fast he'd be here before his mom even knew the credit card was missing.