“Maybe I want more than you just in my bed.”

I looked up from the menu with wide eyes. Did he mean what I thought he meant? I didn't think we were quite at the point of talking about the future yet. While we were connecting fantastically, we'd only been together for under a day. Furthermore, most of that time had been physical, and we both knew our sexual chemistry had a far better track record than our emotional one.

“I mean,” he explained smoothly, as if he had always meant to continue his sentence, “I'm hoping to get some of your food. Other people's fries always taste better.”

He flashed a friendly smile before looking down to continue perusing his menu. I couldn't be sure, but I had a strong feeling that he hadn't really been talking about French fries. I wondered if he had been keeping tabs on me like I had kept tabs on him. No matter how many times I cleared my history, his name was my favorite Google search term. I knew there was only a hair's width of difference between love and hate and that I swung wildly around him.

“I'm going to get the Maui burger,” Logan announced, setting the menu down. “What about you?”

“I'll get a cobb salad,” I answered. “You're getting the burger with pineapple on it? Gross.”

“Not gross. Delicious. Besides, you're getting a salad. On vacation.” His disgust at my healthy choice was obvious, and his skeptical frown made me laugh.

“It's got bacon. And eggs.” I handed him my menu.

“It's a salad.” He took my menu but didn't pick up the phone, giving me a chance to change my mind before he ordered.

“I happen to like salads,” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

“I happen to like you,” he responded immediately. A little blush colored my cheeks. What a flirt he was. “Still, a salad?”

“You're right. It's vacation. Get me the brownie sundae for dessert,” I acquiesced.

“That's more like it,” he said with a grin.

While he picked up the phone and ordered, I stretched out on the bed, feeling the sheets slide across my skin as his voice caressed my ears. I fel

t wonderful. Being with Logan, tangled up in sheets felt luxurious and comfortable at the same time. Being with him like this, now that I didn't think he was out to get me, was easy. Almost too easy.

“They'll be here in thirty minutes,” Logan informed me, hanging up the phone.

“Thirty minutes?” I whined. I was hungry now. “I don't know if I'll last that long.”

A naughty smirk lit up Logan's features. “I guess I'll just have to distract you until then.”

I trembled at his words, feeling a different kind of hunger fill me. A hunger that only Logan could satisfy.

“Distract away,” I said, my voice breathless with want. Logan's eyes darkened and his body hardened as he bent over me and began to make me crave only his body.

Chapter 21

“You go on in,” I told Logan as I entered the password into my phone. “I'll be right there.”

“Okay,” he murmured into my hair, kissing me before heading toward the bathroom. I raised my eyes from the screen to watch his muscled ass as he walked. I bit my bottom lip and made a little noise of appreciation when he leaned over to turn on the shower. He must have heard me, because he turned and winked at me before stepping into the spray of water. I was sad when he closed the glass door,blurring my view of water sluicing down his body.

I had two missed calls and a bunch of emails. The messages could wait until later, but I needed to call Maddy and assure her that I wasn't dead.

“Hey, Maddy,” I greeted her when she picked up the phone on the third ring. “You called?”

“I checked your room to see if you wanted some dinner, and you weren't there.” I could hear the TV on in the background. She must have been in her room. “You doing okay?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm actually feeling better about things.” Logan's administrations had me feeling more than fine, but I wasn't ready to tell her about him yet. She wasn’t Logan's biggest admirer, and I knew she would discourage me from seeing him. But right now, he was the only person I wanted to see.

“Good!” I could hear the smile in her voice. “You want to come to dinner with Tyler and me? There is a very good chance, though, that Tyler will go see the dog and ditch me. I could use the company.”

“Thanks,” I said slowly. I could see the hazy outline of Logan's body in the shower. I really wanted to get wet with him. “But I can't. You two have some good mother-son-dog bonding time without me. Go with him to feed the dog or something.”

“Because that's my idea of a great vacation.” Maddy's eye-rolling was audible.