I was about to throw the crumpled offer into the trash when I decided that simply tossing it wasn't enough. I sat down at the desk and began ripping it into tiny pieces and putting them in a return envelope. I didn't stop when Maddy knocked and then let herself in.

“What's that?” she asked, coming over to the desk.

“Another offer from Travel, Inc.,” I answered and put the last piece of the offer in the envelope.

“Are you accepting it?” She sounded shocked. She had been there for the aftermath of my association with Logan Hayes and Travel, Inc. Besides that, she technically owned part of the company and would have to agree to it as well.

I blew my nose and then stuffed the used tissue in the envelope before sealing it. I held it up to hand it off to Maddy.

“You know I'm not mailing that, right? That's gross.” Maddy gave me one of those disgusted, disapproving looks that only a mother can give. She did not take the envelope.

“You're right. It's terribly unprofessional,” I conceded with a sigh, setting the letter on the desk. “And besides, it just isn't enough to convey just how certainly he is not getting my company.”

After what he had done to my company two years ago, a snot-filled envelope was more than he deserved.

Chapter 2

Two Years Earlier...

I took a deep breath, smoothed the front of my skirt, and stepped into the office of Travel, Inc.'s Chief Operation Officer. If this worked, I would have the funding and connections to make my dreams a reality. I was going to do the job I wanted, instead of the job I hated. If this meeting went well, Travel, Inc. would add Dream Vacations' services to their already massive empire. I would have all the resources of the biggest travel website to make my concierge travel planning the best it could possibly be.

The last two months of my life I had dedicated to getting my business up and running. The computer program that was the heart of Dream Vacations had been a pet project of mine over the past year and a half, and now I was finally ready to use it. I had waltzed out of my terrible computer programming job the minute I had finished it with a smile on my face.

I now had the website, the business plan, and the connections, but I needed more funding. Advertisements were expensive, and concierge travel planning wasn't something that the average person considered within their budget. I wanted to change that mindset, but I needed advertisements to do so. Word of mouth was helping, but I needed access to a bigger market. I had used up all my savings and was in limbo for a business loan. With their resources, Travel, Inc. could change everything. If they decided to purchase either my program or my entire business, I would be a winner.

The corner office was large and ornate. It was bigger and nicer than my apartment. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked the city with a large desk in the center that probably cost more than my car. A handsome man reclined in the plush leather chair behind the shiny desk. I did a double take as I came in. I had seen Logan Hayes in pictures, but he was even cuter in person. He ran a hand through his messy, honey-colored hair and smiled. I had the sudden wish to tangle my fingers in those short, loose curls.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Olivia,” he greeted me, rising to shake my hand. A tingle went up my arm as his hand squeezed

mine. He gestured to one of the two chairs opposite his desk. “Please, have a seat.”

“It's very nice to meet you as well, Mr. Hayes,” I replied. My voice only shook at the first word, but I hoped he hadn't noticed. I sat nervously, smoothing my non-wrinkled skirt again before setting a copy of my proposal on the desk. Despite my best intentions, I had already crinkled the edges with my nervous grip.

“Call me Logan, please. I've been over your proposal, and I love the concept. There's a couple of things that would need to be changed, but overall, I really think the concept is amazing.” He leaned back in his chair and watched my reaction. His eyes were warm, chocolate-caramel pools that seemed to absorb me. Being the sole object of his attention was distracting enough to make me forget how to breathe. I wondered if all his clients felt this way in his presence.

“Thank you, sir,” I finally sputtered. “I've worked really hard on it. Having the resources of Travel, Inc. would make it exponentially easier, and far more viable.”

His lips perked up in a small smile at my nervousness. I hoped he found it endearing, because I was having a hard time concentrating with his eyes on me. It didn't help that he was exactly my type.

“I agree,” he said, leaning forward and putting his elbows on the desk. “What are you hoping to get out of this meeting?”

My lips suddenly felt very dry and I had to fight the urge to lick them. “Honestly? I would love it if you decided to purchase my company and let me run it under Travel, Inc.'s banner. A big sticking point for me here is that I get to continue to work with this. I have put my heart and soul into this program and the business. I won't sell it just to walk away.”

“It's your baby. I can understand that,” he said, sitting back in his chair again. He looked thoughtful for a moment as a small smile crept onto his face. He was wearing an unbuttoned, light gray suit jacket. It accented the width of his shoulders and the lean build of muscle underneath the fabric. He belonged in a magazine. “I have a couple of questions about your business before I bring the proposal to my father,” he said, never taking those delicious brown eyes off me.

“Your father?” I frowned slightly. I was under the impression he was in charge.

He pointed to the name plate on the edge of his desk. Logan Hayes, Senior COO.

“I'm just the COO. My father is the official CEO of the company. A transaction like this will require his approval, so I want to make sure I present it accurately,” he explained. “I really think that your company will be a major asset, and I want to present it as such.”

I nodded, wiping my sweaty hands on my skirt. “Okay. Do you think he'll like it?”

Logan grinned. “I wouldn't bring it to him if I didn't.”

His smile made my insides heat. He had to be the company's secret weapon for negotiations. When he looked at me, I felt like I was the center of his world. I was the only thing that mattered with those dark brown eyes absorbing me. I could stay in those eyes forever, basking in his attention.

I could already feel myself falling head-over-heels for him, which was ridiculous. He wouldn't be interested in me. This was a business tactic to warm me up to his negotiations. I merely represented a small company asking to become part of Travel, Inc.'s empire. I could only imagine the level of charm he probably bestowed upon bigger-name clients.