“Hello,” I said warmly into the phone. “This is Olivia Statler.”

“Ms. Statler,” a nasally female voice responded. “This is Mr. Logan Hayes’ secretary. I regret to inform you that Travel, Inc. is no longer interested in purchasing your company.”

My heart sank as I heard her words. “What!?” I frowned at the phone. There was no way I had heard that right.

“We thank you for your time and wish you the best in your endeavors. We at Travel, Inc. hope that you will continue to use Travel, Inc. for all your travel needs,” she informed me.

“I don't understand. May I please speak with Logan Hayes?” I was glad I was sitting because I felt a little faint. There was no way this could be happening. There had to be some sort of misunderstanding.

“I'm sorry,” the woman said. “He's unavailable at this time. Good luck, Ms. Statler.” And she terminated the call.

I stared at the phone in disbelief. This couldn't be real. This had to be some sort of strange initiation joke or something. I ran to the kitchen and searched for the note he had left with his personal number. My fingers shook as I dialed it.

It rang twice. “Mr. Logan Hayes' personal line,” a polite female responded. It was different than the one who had just called. She sounded nicer.

“May I please speak with Mr. Hayes? It's very important.” I managed to sound professional and keep the panic out of my voice.

“Who is calling?” I could hear her typing on a computer somewhere.

“Olivia Statler,” I informed her without hesitation. This had to be some sort of mistake. A funny mix-up we'd all laugh about later.

“I'm sorry, Ms. Statler,” she said slowly. The typing stopped. “I've been instructed to tell you that Mr. Hayes is no longer interested in your company. Professional or private.”

“I understand that,” I said, even though I really didn't. This didn't make any sense. Things had gone so well yesterday! “But I really need to speak with him. It's urgent.”

“I'm very sorry. That's not possible,” she said firmly.

“Not possible? You're sorry?” I was getting angry now. This wasn't funny anymore. I was supposed to be sipping champagne and celebrating with Logan, not chatting with his secretaries about this nonsense. “That's not good enough. This is his private line. I want to know why he was so excited about my company yesterday and today he won't talk to me!”

The secretary was quiet for a moment. “I'm sorry, Ms. Statler. If you would like, I can transfer you to Mr. Gerald Hayes, CEO. Perhaps he can answer that question for you.”

“Thank you. I would appreciate that.” I rolled my eyes at her through the phone. I knew it wasn't her fault, but she wasn't making me feel any better. I did not appreciate being yanked around like this.

I heard her click a button, and hold music started to play. I tried to take deep, calming breaths as I waited for Gerald Hayes to pick up the phone. I was furious, but I knew it wouldn't do any good to yell at the CEO of the company. I needed to be calm, cool, and professional.

“Hayes,” a gravelly, masculine voice answered. It was Logan's voice, but

rougher, as if he had smoked several packs of cigarettes a day for most of his life.

“Mr. Hayes, this is Olivia Statler-”

“I know who you are, Ms. Statler,” he interrupted me. I wasn't phased by it.

“Well, perhaps you can explain to me why your company showed interest in acquiring my business yesterday, but today isn't even willing to let me talk to anyone?” I stood up tall in my kitchen even though I knew he couldn't see me. I felt like it would give me confidence to talk to him as an equal.

“Ms. Statler, you are confusing my son with his business. Travel, Inc. is not interested in your business nor its services. Your long-term marketing is no good, and your plan is doomed to failure. I don't invest in unsound practices, and as such, I’ve declined the offer,” he stated. I could practically see him spinning slowly in a huge, leather chair and smoking a cigar, possibly twirling his mustache. I wanted to punch him.

“But yesterday-”

“Was yesterday,” he interrupted again. “The business world moves fast, and if you aren't ready to move with it, you are going to be left behind. These are the big leagues, little girl.”

I seethed a little at the implication that I was falling behind and that he had the gall to call me a little girl.

“Now, just for the record, you gave an excellent presentation and Logan was impressed, but ultimately, he failed to impress me with what your company would do for my business. There is nothing personal here, Ms. Statler, just business,” he explained.

Just business my ass , I thought. There had to be more to it than that.

“Now, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t contact us again about this matter. If our interest changes, then we'll contact you,” he said. “I would also advise you to let my son be or we will be pursuing harassment charges.”