Logan bent down and rubbed Spock's ears. He was wearing a light gray t-shirt that clung to him like a second skin, as well as those ass-enhancing board shorts he had worn yesterday. They still looked flipping amazing on him. “He looks like a great dog.”

“He's the best. I think I'm going to keep him.” Tyler grinned. I was not looking forward to having this conversation with Maddy. I hoped Tyler had a plan to help Spock win his mom over.

“Good luck with that,” Logan told him, as if he’d read my mind. “Have you taught him to play dead yet?”

Tyler shook his head. “I hadn't thought of that one.”

Logan grinned. “His name's Spock, right? From Star Trek?” Tyler nodded enthusiastically. “Then, here's what we're going to teach him...”

Logan leaned forward and started whispering in Tyler's ear. I stood back and watched as a grin slowly overtook Tyler’s face. Whatever Logan's idea was, Tyler loved it.

“Do you think you can teach him that?” Logan asked, stepping back.

“Definitely. Spock's smart.” He rubbed the dog's head, and Spock's tail thumped against the sand. “I'm going to go work on it now. No watching, Aunt Liv- I'll show you when he's ready. You'll love it.”

“If you need any help, you let me know,” Logan offered. Still smiling ear to ear, Tyler picked up Spock's stick and started running. Together they sprinted down the beach to where they could practice his new trick without being seen. Logan and I stood quietly, watching the two of them run.

“What is this trick he's teaching his dog?” I asked as they went behind the storage shed.

“Not telling. It's pretty funny, though,” Logan told me. He watched the shed for a moment as though he could see Tyler and Spock through it. “That dog is good for him.”

“Yes, he is.” I stared out at the storage shed, thinking of how Tyler considered himself and the dog as the same. It broke my heart.

“Listen, I wanted to apologize for last night,” Logan said after a moment of silence. “I didn't mean to bring up work on your vacation, and I’m sorry.”

I narrowed my eyes. This had to be one of his tricks. “Sure.”

“Seriously. I didn't mean anything by it.” He grinned and held his hands up in front of him as if to show he wasn't armed. “I am here to relax, not to get you to sign anything. It's just a happy coincidence that we're both here.”

“Right.” I didn't fully believe that it was a happy coincidence, but I was at least willing to accept his apology.

“Let me make it up to you?” Logan asked. “Dinner. Tonight. Just you and me. No business, just give me the chance to really make up for what happened.”

I chewed my inner cheek for a moment. I heard Spock bark and I turned to see him and Tyler sprinting down the beach toward us. He looked incredibly happy and proud.

It softened my heart to see Logan being so kind to Tyler. Plus, I couldn't forget that the man had saved my life, so maybe I owed him dinner without getting so defensive.

“Please?” Logan begged. I took a good look at him. The wind ruffled his messy hair as he smiled hopefully at me, making my heart speed up. He looked honest and open, yet sexy as hell. I just hoped it wasn't another trick.

“Fine,” I conceded. “Because of what you've done for Tyler.”

Logan beamed, making his brown eyes sparkle. It was impossible not to smile back. “You won't be sorry, I promise!”

“Do I need to wear anything special?” I asked. How did I let myself get roped into this? I just hoped I wasn't going to get burned by him yet again. But, I knew deep down that I would fall for his tricks every time, no matter how burned I got. He just had that effect on me. I should have just steered clear of him from the beginning.

“No, just be comfortable. How does seven sound? I'll pick you up at your room,” he answered. “I'm going to help you test out one of the resort's luxury opportunities.”

“I hope you know that I'm not going to do the complimentary wedding ceremony,” I teased. Logan laughed just as Tyler rejoined us.

“Why? Did he ask you?” Tyler quipped, looking back and forth between the two of us with confusion. Spock sat panting at his feet.

“No, just taking Olivia to dinner,” Logan explained.

“Okay, good then. I didn't bring a suit.” Tyler shot me a cheesy grin that made me roll my eyes. “And now, are you two ready for Spock's amazing new trick?”

“Incredibly. On the edge of my seat,” I answered. Logan nodded enthusiastically.

“All right.” Tyler grinned and turned to the dog. “Spock, do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?”