“What if they hadn’t hired you?”
“I would have found another way.”
Beth’s step faltered. Part of her still wanted to be annoyed with him, but damn, with confessions like that falling out of his mouth, all she wanted to do was drag him into the janitor’s closet and have her wicked way with him.
They turned a corner and made their way toward the ER. “You’re quiet,” Gabe said, stepping to the side as a radiology tech pushed a patient past them on a stretcher.
“We need to talk. We’ll be working together…”
He nodded and kept walking. “That’s the plan.”
“Our offices are through here.” They passed through a set of double doors and into a small side hall with two facing doors. “This is mine.” She indicated the one on the left.
Gabe studied the plaque on the door that read Beth Roberts, MSN, Nursing Manager, Emergency Department. “And mine?”
“There.” She pointed to the door across from hers, watched him slide the key in and trip the lock. “We need to talk.”
“You’re right.” He grabbed her by the wrist, dragged her inside and flicked on the light. Kicking the door shut, he whirled her around and trapped her there with his body. “We’ll talk… after I do this.”
He claimed her mouth, took total possession with a raw intensity that left no doubt of his need. God, he tasted so good, every bit as good as she’d remembered. His breath rushed out, she swallowed his moan…or was it hers? The hard slab of wood at her back was nothing compared to the solid wall of muscle and man pressing her into it. Beth arched up, frustrated with the differences in their heights, the way it denied vital areas from meeting. She rose on the toes of her sensible, low-heeled shoes, but it wasn’t enough.
He was right. They could talk after.
With an irritated growl, Gabe tore his mouth free. “I need to feel you.”
“Oh, God, yes!” Right here, right now, Gabe wasn’t her coworker, he was a man. Her man. She no longer cared about the details of how he came to be here…only that he was.
He worked the button at her waistband free, pulled the zipper down and drove his hand inside. His fingers slid over her sex once, twice, and then plunged deep. Her body quaked, her inner walls grasped and squeezed at his fingers, but it wasn’t enough.
“More,” she moaned. “I need…I’ve got to have my hands on you.” Beth tugged his shirt free of his slacks, keenly aware of the thick column of his cock pressing against his fly. She plunged her hands under the soft fabric, smoothed her palms up the firm ridges of his abdomen. She pressed her hand to his chest, just over his heart, felt the gallop and pitch of it beneath muscle and bone.
For her.
She was in so much trouble and she didn’t give a flying fig. Right now, at this moment, all she cared about was this man, and that he was here, standing before her. Wanting her.
His forehead fell to hers, his breathing ragged and uneven. He pulled her hand from his cock, grasped her hips and dragged her in, grinding his erection against her upper abdomen. “I’ve dreamed about you, woke up with the taste of you in my mouth.”
Her breath caught in her throat. “I’ve dreamed about you, too. Of your mouth, your tongue on me.” She shuddered against him.
“God, Beth.”
“I came, but it wasn’t enough. It’s not enough now. I need you…inside me. Right here, right now.”
“Fucking hell!”
Had she not known it was lust that caused his fingers to bite into her hips, Beth would have been frightened, but she knew she was safe. By the way his eyes burned with it, the way his shoulders heaved as he fought for control, by the way his touch gentled, she knew. The hollow feeling in her chest filled to overflowing, sealed over, and healed. A new sensation crept in and tapped at her heart. Open up, it beckoned, and see what awaits.
Fabric shifted, just enough to accommodate. Beth toed off her shoes, slid her slacks and panties down to kick one leg free. Gabe fought his belt open, yanked down his zipper and shoved his slacks over his hips. His cock sprang free, heavy and full.
He bent his knees, cupped her ass in his hands and hoisted her up. “Hang on to me. I’m sorry. This is going to be fast,” he apologized and reached between them to align the rigid length of his cock between her thighs. “Ah, damn, you’re so wet,” he gritted, and then slid into her.