He could hear her moving around in the bathroom. Was she humming? His grin broadened. Nothing like a woman with post-coital humming to stroke a man’s ego.
His dry throat screaming for hydration, Gabe rolled out of bed, walked to the mini bar and grabbed a bottle of water. He drained it and then reached for another, glancing around the sitting area and at the personal items Beth had sitting around.
Their clothes lay in a messy pile where they’d stripped them off and dropped them on the floor. Wouldn’t be needing those for a while. Still, he picked them up and draped them over one of the chairs.
In the office area, her laptop was out on the desk. Several yellow folders lay open beside it, their contents scattered across the surface. Gabe picked up a staffing schedule with the hospital name, Ridgemount General, in the header. He glanced over it, noted the impressive number of nurses, clerks and techs under her supervision and then placed it back on the file.
Resumes and applications made up another stack. She had highlighted certain areas, circled others, and made notations in the margins. No doubt the potential staff for the expansion she had mentioned. A large black bag sat on the floor beside the chair holding more folders. Gabe dropped the paper back on the desk and frowned. Beth had been working before the wedding, he realized, and had obviously intended to continue with it this evening. Alone. Gabe shook his head, gave a quiet laugh of incredulity. A woman as passionate as Beth should never spend a night alone.
“There’s a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge, if you wouldn’t mind opening it,” Beth called out from the bathroom.
Turning, he went back to the fridge and found the wine she’d called out for, opened it and snagged a couple of glasses from the cabinet over the sink. As he headed back to the bed, he heard the sound of water running in the bathtub. Well, she wasn’t alone now, he thought, and with a grin, made a detour for the bathroom.
The sight that greeted him almost took him to his knees. She stood on the step of the tub, bent at the waist, one hand braced on the tiled edge, while the other alternately adjusted the faucet and tested the water. The position presented him with the enticing view of her ass, and just below, peaking from between her slightly parted legs, the twin almonds of her pretty, pink pussy. And that step up to the tub…well, it looked to put her at just about the right height…
He set the wine and glasses on the marble sink and decided to test it out.
The clink of glass against the sink top had Beth glancing over her shoulder to find Gabe walking across the polished tile floor toward her. He was, as Connie had predicted, tall and ripped, the muscles of his thighs flexing and bunching with each step, his erection full and proud as he walked toward her.
His eyes moved hungrily over her backside and down to her sex. As she watched, he reached down and lazily stroked the underside of his cock, a touch that appeared to soothe as well as arouse, as if promising a treat. A tremor of heat rolled through her. He was completely at ease with his sexuality, and it was by far the most erotic thing she’d ever witnessed. She gave him a welcoming smile, and as his hands slid over her hips, her arousal bloomed into full-blown desire.
“Have I told you how soft your skin is?” He pressed his mouth to the small of her back, dragged his tongue up her spine.
“You’ve told me many things tonight, but I don’t think that was one of them.” Beth stretched into the caress as Gabe’s hands slid up her back, over her shoulders, then down and around to cup her breasts.
“Umm, soft as…” He pressed forward, slid his erection between her legs. She looked down, watched the broad tip peek and retreat between her thighs, shiny and wet with her juice as it massaged the sensitive bundle of nerves there. She squeezed her legs together, increasing the sensation. Her clit fluttered.
“…Soft as…”
She pressed her bottom against his stomach and rocked her hips, easing into the rhythm.
“…Soft as…ah hell, I lost my train of thought,” he growled and pulled her up against the broad warmth of his chest. She reached back, curved one hand around the firm muscle of his ass and snaked the other up to curl around the back of his neck. Gabe’s hand abandoned her breast to cup her jaw as he leaned around her and took possession of her lips. The kiss was hot and unapologetically carnal. “I can’t get enough of you.” He grazed the shell of her ear with his teeth, soothed it with his tongue. “Are you okay? Can you take me again?”