Page 20 of Playing Doctor

“Do you, um…want something to drink?”

Just you. From your luscious lips and that sweet, wet spot between your legs. “No, I’m fine, thanks.”

She looked away, running her fingers through her hair. “I’ve never done anything like this.” She drew in a shaky breath and it seemed her whole body trembled when she blew it out. “I…think you should know there hasn’t been anyone since Jamie, my husband…and no one else before him.” Her hands came up, fell back at her sides. “I have no idea where to begin.”

It was the uncertainty that slayed him.

Gabe hadn’t thought it possible to be so filled with wanting and so humbled in the same moment. Four years. He’d tasted the desire on her lips, felt her body vibrate with it. Had she held all that passion in check for four years, or given in to what nature had gifted her with and pleasured herself? He opted for the latter and the mental image that thought evoked sent a spear of lust straight to his cock.

“I’m honored you chose me.” He pushed away from the door and took her hand, brought it to his lips, and held it there with his eyes closed, absorbing her warmth and accepting her precious gift. “Why don’t we start with this?” He skimmed his hands up her arms and over her shoulders to tunnel them through the heavy curtain of her hair. He tipped her face up and took her mouth. He wanted to go slow, but when she bowed her body into his, made that soft sound in the back of her throat…damn!

Dragging his mouth from hers, Gabriel hesitated, giving her the opportunity to change her mind, and praying she wouldn’t.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“I’m sure.”

“Thank God. I was ready to beg.” He grazed his fingers along her jaw. “Would you have liked me to?”

The corners of her mouth, moist from his kiss, lifted. “Maybe later.”

Gabe swallowed, found his mouth dry after all, and cursed himself for not taking her up on the offer for a drink.

Taking her hand, he brought her to stand closer to the bed. When she turned to him, he pulled her in. “Tell me what you like.”

Her gaze dropped to his mouth. “Kissing. I like the way you kiss.”

“My pleasure.” He nudged her lips open, slid his tongue in to rub against hers in a way that was blatantly sexual, purely carnal. When she gave it a small, quick suck, he dragged his mouth from hers, gulped in air.

“You’re killing me,” he groaned. He rested his forehead against hers, which gave him an enticing view of her cleavage. “I’d like a slow death, please.”

Gabe ran his finger along the inside of the lapel of her jacket. He could see the faint cleft of her breasts, then flicked open the top button to reveal a little more. When she reached up and began to work at the buttons, he stopped her. “Let me,” he murmured. “It’s been driving me mad all day, wondering what you’re wearing under there, and how to talk you out of it.” Her mouth formed a surprised little “o”. Had no one ever told her how damned sexy she was? He’d take care of that tonight.

He was a man who appreciated the total woman, her mind as well as her body, but now, with Beth all warm and pliant, all he could think about was peeling her out of that little blue suit and getting her naked.

Unwrapping her like the gift she was, Gabe slowly peeled away each layer with fingers that trembled with the need to rush, with the want to savor. Her jacket fell from her shoulders, revealing lavender silk and black lace designed to tease and torment a man to insanity. Reaching around, Gabe unhooked her bra and slid it down her arms. The lace clung to the tips of her breasts, as if reluctant to give up such a precious prize, then joined the jacket on the floor. Her nipples stood high, swollen and needy. He ducked his head and licked one before sucking it into his mouth, then gave equal care to its twin. A soft moan of pleasure rose from her throat and almost robbed him of his resolve to go slow. With a final flick of his tongue, he released the soft mound.

Kneeling, Gabe ran his hand over the firm curve of her ass. He found the zipper at the back of her skirt, slid it down. Beth shimmied her hips and the fabric pooled at her feet. Resting her hand on his shoulder to steady herself, she kicked the fabric aside.