Page 11 of Playing Doctor

He watched her for a moment, as if considering her question, then rolled his glass between his palms. “You work in health care.”

The abrupt turn in the conversation took Beth by surprise. It took her a second to regroup and form a response, but at least he’d stopped rubbing the damn glass. “That obvious, huh?”

“Not everyone carries exam gloves and a respiratory mask in her purse.”

“Or keeps a medical bag with a defibrillator in his car,” she countered.

His mouth curved in a wry grin. “True,” he conceded with a tip of his glass. “You did a hell of a job with Albert.” He tapped his thumb against the tabletop. “I’m guessing you’re either a paramedic or work in an ER.”

Beth inclined her head, acknowledging her field and accepting his compliment. Unfamiliar warmth spread in her chest at his praise. What in the world was wrong with her? Coworkers complimented each other all the time, especially after a particularly intense situation. It was as much a stress breaker as congratulations on a job well done. But a compliment from Gabe meant something to her—maybe more than it should. “I’m an ER nurse, but no longer in patient care.” She sighed. “Things have been complicated the past few months. It’s a long story.”

Gabe settled deeper into his chair, sent a brief glance at the wedding reception still in full swing, and then returned his attention back to her. “Looks like it’ll be a while before the party ends.” He cocked his head. “We’ve got some time.”

The gleam of interest in those dark chocolate eyes sent a warm glow through Beth. She suddenly felt feminine in a way she hadn’t felt in years. Caution whispered a warning in her ear, but she pushed it firmly to the side. She would not allow the past to rob her of this moment with a man who made her feel like a woman again. Nor did she want the current chaos at her hospital to intrude on the evening. A condensed version would have to do, and then she wanted to relax, forget about her problems and just enjoy the man beside her.

“Suffice it to say, our hospital is going through some major administrative purging—getting the big enema, so to speak.” She waited for his laughter to subside. God, she loved his laugh. He shifted, angling his long body toward hers, giving her the feeling his attention was focused exclusively on her. She liked it. A lot.

“And did you get swept along in the…evacuation?”

Beth slanted him a look at the pun, amused that he was able to continue the joke with a straight face. Because he seemed genuinely interested, she answered, “Yes and no. There were problems, corporate stepped in, and we now have several job openings in administration and management, two of which were the ER nursing manager and medical director.”

“A clean sweep.” Gabe nodded. “And how did this involve you?”

“I was appointed Interim Nursing Manager and, two months ago, I accepted the position of manager.”

Gabe lifted his glass in salute. “Congratulations on the promotion.”

“Thank you, although sometimes I feel overwhelmed, especially with the ER expansion project coming up in the next few months. I’m hoping a new medical director will be chosen soon to help shoulder some of the decision-making responsibilities.

“I’m betting you can handle anything tossed your way.”

The sincere admiration in Gabe’s voice brought another wave of warmth to Beth’s cheeks, making her grateful for the cool shade of the tent that shadowed her face. As flattering as being the center of his attention was, she needed to redirect the conversation before her face burst into flames. She knew he was a cardio-pulmonologist and worked in the ER, too, based on the snippets of information she’d overheard from the bridesmaids, but she doubted he’d appreciate knowing he’d been the object of their gossiping. “So, what’s your medical background?”

It had been a while since Gabe had seen a woman blush so easily…or so prettily. Beth was an intriguing compilation of innocent sensuality. She fiddled with her napkin, laid it back down, then picked it up again and proceeded to pleat it into a fan.

He liked watching her face fill up with color, knowing he’d been the one to bring it there, almost as much as he’d enjoyed watching her squirm in her chair and knowing he’d caused that, too. No doubt about it, she’d been hot, and he was willing to bet if he’d slid his hand up those long legs he’d find even more heat.