"Don't you worry, ma'am. No one will harm a hair on your head," he promised gravely, puffing his chest out and frowning at a sinister-looking bush. "What about you? You said you're a student?"

"I just graduated with my degree in art." I loved the way his arm felt under mine. He was strong. "I'm supposed to go to LA when we get back and intern with a film company. I'm going to help make movie sets. It's what I've always wanted to do."

"Any plans to become an actress?" he asked. I laughed.

"Actress? Me?" I shook my head fervently. "No. Besides a complete inability to act, I'm not exactly what Hollywood actresses look like."


I turned to look at him, surprised at the sudden language.

"You're gorgeous," he explained. He dropped my arm and stepped back, looking me up and down. Appraising me. I blushed, knowing his eyes were undressing me. I was pale, heavier than I wanted to be, and yet thin in my arms. My friends always said I was petite and tiny, but I never felt that way. I had never seen myself as beautiful. My best feature was my hair, but I was far from gorgeous. His face said he wasn't lying, though. I didn't know what to do with him looking at me like this, so I tucked my hands in my pockets and blushed.

"Pose for me," he commanded, frowning at my hands hiding in my jeans. "Like an actress would."

My blush deepened, but I struck my best model pose, throwing one hand up in the air and thrusting out a hip. He brought his hands up like he was holding a camera and took an imaginary picture.

"Yup," he said nodding at the invisible camera shot. "Gorgeous. You'd take them all by storm."

I dropped my arms and glared at him. "You have a silver tongue, sir," I teased him.

"So I've been told," he said nonchalantly and gave a self-deprecating laugh. "Well, not really, but I like to think so."

His almost shy smile took hold of my heart as he offered me his arm again and we continued to walk toward the condo.

"So what do you think Dean and Matt's chances are with your friends?" he asked. I frowned, pulling back slightly. He smiled reassuringly at me. "I mean, I just want to know so I can buy them the appropriate ice cream when they get their hearts dashed to pieces."

The idea of the big, muscled Matt crying into a container of ice cream was rather amusing. It wasn't something I could ever see happening.

"Well, Jenny will go home with any guy who smiles and buys her a drink.," I answered honestly. "Rachel's fairly picky, but that Dean guy looks like just her type. She has a thing for blue eyes."

"So, Dean has a shot with Rachel. That's good. He liked her, and Matt..."

"Matt has a sure thing with Jenny," I interrupted. He raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged. "I love my friends, but I do know their habits."

I pulled out the keys from my pocket as we approached the front door of the condo. It looked small after the luxury of Tony's aunt's palace, but it was cozy and I liked it.

"What about me?" Tony asked, leaning against the door frame as I unlocked the door and pushed it open. "What are my chances?"

"Play your cards right, and you'll see," I teased. grinning at him. The guy was two steps from being inside my condo. He pretty much had a sure thing as well.

"You mean like this?" He caught my arm, pulling me back onto the porch in a spin that landed me in his arms. He then palmed the back of my neck and pulled me into him, connecting our mouths in a kiss that took my breath away. His tongue traced the curve of my lips, begging for entry. I opened my mouth and let him kiss me more deeply, and holy cow, did he rock my world. The man could kiss. I hooked my fingers in the belt loops of his jeans, pressing myself into him. My world was spinning out of control with that perfect kiss, and he was the only solid thing I had to hold on to.

He slowly released me from his kiss, leaving me gasping for more.

"You're definitely on the right track," I whispered. He grinned, illuminating the night with his beaming smile. I stepped into the condo, my heart fluttering in my chest, glad that he was right behind me. This was going to be the best night of my vacation.

Chapter 3

Present Day

There was a small grocery store on the corner of the street by my apartment on my way to the coffee shop. I stood in front of it for a good minute, trying to decide if I should buy some coffee for tomorrow now, or on my way back. I decided on "now" because on my way back, I would have my hands full of delicious mocha latte.

"Hi, Kim," a happy voice greeted me from across the quiet store. Penny, one of the employees waved at me. She was a cute, little college student that had worked in the store for the past few years. Since it was the only place I shopped, the two of us had become casual friends. I waved back and headed in her direction. She was restocking the coffee.

"Anything new I should try?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. I thought that maybe a little human contact might make me feel better. Less lost in the world.

"Nah, just same old same old," she said with a shrug. "Well, unless you count this as new..."