I propped myself up on an elbow and reached out a hesitant hand to touch him. I needed to know he was really there. His chest was warm and solid under my fingers, and I could feel his every breath. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes. My heart pounded in my chest and threatened to explode with happiness. He was here. He hadn't died. He was alive.

I kept my hand on him, watching him sleep. I didn't want to wake him and break the spell. Just seeing him alive and strong was giving me chills. I didn't want this moment to end. The love of my life was here in front of me. My heart ached with love. I had missed him so much.

The love of my life...

He stirred. "Whatcha looking at, Ladybug?" Tony asked, his voice still full of sleep. He cracked open one eye and looked at me.

"Just something wonderful," I whispered, surprised that my voice worked at all. I felt like I could laugh and cry at the same time. He was real. "You look so peaceful when you sleep."

His dark eyes opened and he sat up to look at me better. His eyes were exactly as I remembered them. Warm and brown and they completely absorbed me. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice still rough from just waking.

I pushed myself to sitting, touching his cheek. There was a light stubble under my fingers, but he was warm to the touch. My dreams always ended here, and yet my dream hadn't ended yet. I didn't dare pinch myself because I didn't want this to end.

"I am now," I whispered softly, knowing it was true. And then I kissed him.

Our lips met, soft and sweet. I wanted to cry with joy. He wrapped his muscular arms around my body, his taste sweet on my tongue. I remembered him being muscular, but everything about him was so solid. I could have kissed him for hours. Every nerve in my body was aflame with desire and love.

I felt his desire as he touched me, something I hadn't felt for a long time. He wanted me, despite my wrinkles, my weight, my...

I pushed him away for a moment and touched my own body. I hadn't even realized I had woke up naked, but as my fingers ran down my body, I knew why. My skin was smooth, my breasts were perky. I even felt like I had lost weight.

"Is everything okay?" Tony asked.

I laughed, sounding almost hysterical for a moment. I couldn't believe that I used to think that I weighed too much. I was hot, and I had a hot piece of meat in bed with me. I looked at the man who wanted me. "Everything's fine," I said, barely getting the words out before I began to kiss him again, this time with renewed vigor. I could feel him smile as our lips met, and I couldn't help but grin. I didn't think the smile would ever leave my face.

Tony rolled over on top of me, his hands roaming over every inch of my body. I wrapped my arms around him, my hands gripping at his strong back. His skin was warm against mine, and my breath caught in my throat as his hard pecs rubbed against my nipples. He backed away for a moment, seeming to admire my face, then dove in and began to suck on my neck.

I laughed. "Stop it! You're going to give me a hickey!" I beat on his back a little bit, enjoying how strong he felt.

He moved his lips from my neck to my ear. "Maybe that's what I want. Maybe I want everyone to know that you're mine."

Every word sent a tingle in my ear, as if the very hairs inside were turned on by his breath. I arched my back and he kissed down my neck, softer this time. His lips grazed my shoulder, touched my collar bone, and worked their way to my breast. As his tongue flicked against one nipple and then the other, I realized that no man had given me quite this amount of attention in years. This was heaven and I never wanted it to end.

His hungry attention to my breasts ended in a magnificent way as he began to kiss down my belly. I knew where he was going and I couldn't wait. My whole body tensed as he moved further and further south.

When he got to my legs, they were still pressed together slightly. As his hands began to gently pry my legs apart, I yielded quickly to his touch. In a moment, his mouth was against my sex, eagerly tasting me. I gasped in surprise. Had I always been this sensitive? I thought to myself. Whatever he was doing down there, no man had done that to me in a long time. I bucked my hips and squeezed my legs around his head, trying hard not to choke him.

I looked down and saw his eyes. Those eyes. The ones that had been in my dreams for decades now. They were looking up at me with raw desire. Lust and love flared hot in my core. The heat began to build in me quickly. I threw my head back and began to moan. I hadn't felt like this in so long...

Within another moment, I could feel his tongue settle into a rhythm, and it wasn't long before I could feel a wave of pleasure building up. My fingers clenched at the bedsheet, and my eyes squeezed shut. I began to squeak, cute little squeaks of pleasure right before I finally had an orgasm. It washed over me in a torrent, sending my muscles into spasms. I could already feel myself starting to sweat.

As my orgasm faded, I looked down at him as he continued to lick me. I leaned up and put my hands on either side of his face, pulling him into a kiss. He eagerly returned it, rising up to meet me. I let him kiss me for a moment before kneeling up on the bed, my young muscles easily making the transition. I put my hand on his muscled chest and pushed him down to the bed. I knew he was strong enough that he could have easily resisted, but he fell to the bed, surprise on his face at my sudden burst of energy.

I was so wet and ready for him. I had wanted him like this for decades. It was better than any dream I could have had. I straddled his body and began to position myself above him. He threw his head back and closed his eyes as I felt him press against the precipice and I began to lower myself down...

"Wait!" he said as his eyes flew back open. His strong hands tightened on my hips, pinning me in mid-air.

My feeling of exuberance immediately left. I knew that this was too good to be true. "What?"

He looked at me like I should know what he wanted. His voice was gruff with want. "This is how you want to do this? We've been safe all week, and now you want to have sex without a condom?"

I smiled, a sense of relief washing over my body. I remembered firmly stopping him one night after we had been drinking, letting him know that I was not ready for a child. He hadn't pressed the issue, just blushed and put a condom on as if he had been caught doing the wrong thing. Now, though...

I had gone through the past few years with my biological clock ticking. Sure, this might not have been the right time for me in my twenties, but I had waited so long. I had wanted him for so long. I didn't care. I shrugged and bit my lip with a smile, starting to slide down further. I felt the head of his beautiful cock breach my opening and we gasped together.

He tightened his grasp on my hips, suspending me above him. "Stop. You've got your career starting. I'm not going to let you risk that just for a morning quickie." The look on his face was stern.

No man I had ever known since Tony would ever have said something like that. Truthfully, my lust was so great that I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, giving him one last chance to change his mind. His strong hands kept me firmly in place. I couldn't fight his strength.