It was a short walk to the big, blue house. As Dean stepped onto the Southern-style porch, I was just tipsy enough that I missed the last step and tripped. Dean caught me effortlessly, wrapping his strong arms around me and making sure I never hit the ground.

This close, I could smell his cologne. It was clean and fresh, like soap but with a super masculine undertone. His heat was wonderful against my skin, sending little pangs of hot desire deep into my core. His face came close to mine as he made sure I was steady on my feet. For half a heartbeat, I was sure he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me more than anything. Our lips were so close that I could feel his breath, and I leaned forward, silently begging him to kiss me.

But he simply gave me that infuriating smile and pulled away.

He didn't let me go until he was sure I was relatively stable, but I shot him an evil glare. I had wanted that kiss. He simply continued to give me that impish grin as he grabbed my hand and led me inside the giant house.

The inside was just as beautiful as the outside. The wooden floors creaked as we crept past heavy white wooden furniture with comfortable-looking cushions and giant painted seascapes to a big open kitchen. Dean let go of my hand for a moment. The disconnection almost seemed to cause me physical pain, even though he only did it to open the fridge and get us drinks. I wandered across the wooden floor until I came to a couch facing the large window overlooking the beach. The moon was starting to rise, casting a magical glow across the white sand.

I flinched as a purple and gold top went flying past my head, followed by a giggle. Looking down over the couch, I could see arms and legs of two people, along with the tattoo that we had heard Jenny admire. Color rushed into my cheeks. I backed away slowly, and Jenny and Matt never even noticed me, but I still couldn't get the blush off my face. I made my way into the kitchen where Dean grabbed my hand and hurried me to the foot the stairs. Moans of pleasure started to come from the couch, and the two of us giggled as we sneaked up the stairs. The dark seemed warm and inviting, caressing the two of us like clandestine lovers.

Dean guided me carefully down a hallway and into a room. He hit the light switch, and I instinctively closed my eyes as the light blinded me. When I opened them up again, I surveyed the room. The king-sized bed dominated the space, but the wicker furniture was comfortable-looking and reflected the easy style of the beach outside. Dean held up a bottle of champagne with two champagne flutes in one hand, condensation already collecting on the cold glass. He headed toward two big French doors.

He threw them open, the sea air filling the room as it came in off the ocean. I turned off the light, letting the soft glow of the moon transform the room into something romantic and wonderful. Dean set the glasses on a dresser near the doors, pointing the champagne cork out toward the water. The pop as he released it made me jump, the satisfying rush of endorphins making the night that much better.

With a delightful flair, Dean handed me a glass of the bubbling golden liquid. I bit my lip with anticipation as he raised his glass in a toast, his voice warm and seductive in the moonlight.

"To meeting new friends."

"To meeting new friends," I echoed, my own voice somehow more sensual in the moonlight. The bubbles tickled my nose as I took a sip. The ocean air blew softly through my hair. Dean stepped closer, our bodies inches apart and yearning with need. He set his glass on the balcony, his hand then finding its way to the small of my back so that he could draw me in to him.

His eyes shone as if the stars themselves burned within. He leaned forward and brushed his lips across mine. The sensation made my spine feel like it was made of champagne, bubbly and ready to float away. I pressed my lips against his, begging for a better taste. He opened his mouth, the effervescence of champagne permeating my senses. I smiled as I moaned softly. All I wanted was to drink his champagne kisses.

Dean's hands flew all over me, touching me in places I hadn't been touched in quite a while. I felt the lust coursing through his body as he tugged at my shirt, and I wanted more. I wanted it so badly that I found myself jumping up and wrapping my legs around him before he even had the chance to remove my shirt. His hands grabbed me around the waist and held me up as we passionately kissed each other. My fingers went to the bottom of his ripped t-shirt, pulling it over his head.

There was that chiseled form that I had admired at the beach. He was muscular but not overly so. "Strong" was the word that I was searching for. He held me up with ease, his strong arms supporting me with no problem whatsoever. I reveled in the feeling of his chest, feeling those strong muscles. My fingers went to my own shirt, pulling that over my head as well. It wasn't long before I had my bra off as well.

Dean lifted me even higher. I ran my nails across his upper back and shoulders as his mouth went to my breasts, kissing them hungrily. He began to walk over to the bed, which required quite a bit of talent, since he had been drinking and he couldn't see where he was going. I squealed with laughter as his legs bumped into the bed and he slowly let me down. As I hit the sheets, I unwrapped my legs from around him.

I didn't waste a moment. I leaned up, undoing the belt on his jeans immediately. As I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, I saw the bulge in his briefs. I froze up while looking at it, and he chuckled and pulled his pants the rest of the way off.

He knelt in front of me, grabbing my leg in his hand. As his kissed traveled upward, I lay back down on the bed.

"I think I've died and gone to heaven," I said.

"Not yet," he said, kissing even further up my leg. When he reached the bottom of my skirt, he slowly hiked it up, bringing it up past my underwear. I had worn a thong, the first I had ever owned, and I already felt naked as soon as

he could see it. He continued nibbling his way, tasting me, his lips touching every spot where the fabric ended and my skin began.

His tongue found my nub, and he began to lick over my panties. The alcohol still in my system made me lose control quick, and I found myself writhing underneath his touches immediately. I thought that this was as good as it got in life. That was before he pulled the fabric of my thong to the side, licking directly on my sensitive sex.

My world seemed to fall away from underneath me, and I found myself quickly rising toward an orgasm. The way his stubble rubbed against me, the cool air of the night, and the steady and rhythmic pressure against my body drove me to the brink quickly. I grabbed onto Dean's head as I found myself falling off the edge, moaning as my orgasm took over my muscles, making them twitch with delight.

Dean continued to lick me, but then he stood up. The last piece of his clothes, his briefs, were off of him, and I marveled at his naked body in front of me. The V-line of his muscles headed toward his groin was simply spectacular. Truly, an Adonis stood before me.

He quickly pulled my skirt and thong off, then slowly moved on top of me, kissing me deeply. I could feel his manhood pressing against my inner thigh. He pulled the hair from my ear. "I want you," he said.

I shuddered with pleasure at his breath in my ear, and my eyes closed. "I want you too. Take me," I said. I felt him shift, felt him approach my opening.

"Wait!" I cried out, my eyes shooting back open. He looked at me with barely-contained lust. "Don't you have a condom?"

He hesitated. "Aren't you on the pill?" he asked.

I nodded quickly, and he seemed to take that as permission to continue. He moved even closer. I closed my eyes, and in my inebriated state, I almost let him...

"Stop, Dean. Put on a condom," I said.

He frowned, then smiled. "You're right, of course. I got a little carried away. Thanks." He immediately got up. I watched his muscular body walk across the room and root around in a nearby duffel bag. I definitely checked out his ass as he bent over to search. Finally, he pulled out a square package.