Dean is waiting for me.

Jack shakes Dean's hand and gives me a hug. I can feel tears in my eyes as he lets me go. Jack gives me beaming grin and returns to his wife. There are only a few people sitting in the garden, but that's how Dean and I wanted it. I can see Jenny and Kimberly sitting with Sheriff Grinswald. Bianca wipes a tear from her cheek.

Dean's hands are warm as he takes mine in his. I wonder if he can feel me shaking. It's not because I'm nervous; it's because I'm excited. I get to have the love of my life. After today, we won't ever have to be apart again. My heart soars at the thought.

The minister asks me a question, and I answer it with a simple, "I do." Dean repeats the words. I don't need to hear the minster ask the words because I've already promised them in my heart.

Dean slides a ring onto my finger. A diamond catches the sun, sparkling with a thousand rainbows. My heart speeds up, threatening to dance out of my chest. I've never felt this happy before, this complete. I slip a thick silver band onto his hand, the two of us now linked. Our rings bind us so we will never be apart again. All I can see is Dean's smile.

Dean raises the veil, carefully revealing my face. His own is beaming with joy. All I want is to kiss him, and as he leans forward, my wish is granted. Our lips touch, and he pulls me in to him. The sunlight sparkles through the trees, and I close my eyes, taking everything in. This moment is ours, just mine and Dean's, forever.

I barely notice the walk back into the house. I'm so happy holding onto Dean's strong arm that I barely notice the steps. Inside, the house is cool and quiet, just the two of us. I giggle, and Dean kisses me again, his lips sweet and wonderful as they merge with mine. I could kiss him every second of every day and love every minute of it.

He gives me one of his mischievous grins, pulling me to a small table. A bottle of champagne and two glasses sit, ready to be drunk. He hands me one, taking the other in his fingers. With a gentle clink, he taps them together and whispers, "To making new marriages."

The champagne bubbles in my mouth, tickling my nose and making me smile. I want to kiss him again, and because we are now married, I can.

I kiss him, tasting the effervescent champagne still on his lips. We share our champagne kisses, knowing we will have many more. I kiss him, feeling my heart soar in my chest, remembering our first champagne kiss. It took twenty years, but Dean and I are finally together. Everything is perfect.