Two Years Ago

I sat in my office, typing on my laptop. In a few short hours, I would be free for the weekend. Jack and his secretary, Brandi, were on their way to the Caribbean, and I was going to have a few days off. It felt wonderful to know I was going to have a weekend for myself. Things at work had me running overtime. Jack was about to transition to CEO of DS Oil and Gas, now that Daniel's failing health was making it harder for him to work. We had hoped to delay the transition another year, but Daniel's cancer was growing more aggressively than expected. The doctors were only giving him maybe another year.

I shook my head, ridding myself of the negative thoughts. I was going to have a weekend to myself. I had reservations at a charming little bed and breakfast in upstate New York, complete with a spa and relaxation package. It was going to be a great weekend.

My phone buzzed on the desk, and I picked it up. I frowned as soon as I saw it was Jack. He was supposed to be on a plane right now with his ditzy secretary, not calling me. I picked it up.

"Rachel, we need a new flight plan. And, we're going to need you to come to the airport and get on a plane," Jack said.

"What?" I was apparently now going on a flight. My weekend plans started waving goodbye.

"Oh, and will you please make a note to give Dean a bonus? He's been fantastic today."

"Sure. What's going on, though?" I felt like I was trying to put a puzzle together without the box. For some reason, Jack's flight plans were changing and I was now getting on a plane. And something about that all occurring meant that Dean was getting a raise.

"Somehow, the paparazzi were tipped off that I was going on a trip. Dean knows how important it is that they don't figure out where I'm going. This is my last vacation, and I won't have their busybody cameras ruining it." A touch of anger came into his voice, but he took a deep breath and continued. "When they followed us, Dean eluded them. We missed our original flight plan, but Dean came up with an idea. We're flying separately now."

"Okay. So I'm guessing Dean's going to fly with you, making it look like one of your business trips, and I'm flying with Brandi to make it look like a separate business trip," I reasoned out.

"You and Dean must share a brain or something. Dean and I are going to take the chopper into the private strip in Tampa. You and Brandi will take the jet. Once Brandi and I are safely on the jet together and on our way to the island, you and Dean can head home." Jack sounded very pleased with his little plan. I had to admit that it would get the paparazzi off his back, but there was just one small hitch.

"So you're going to make me take a plane ride with Brandi?" I made sure that my distaste was apparent.

Jack sighed. He knew I didn't like her. The blonde-haired secretary was a bimbo. A bimbo that I highly suspected was just after Jack's money and fame. She was pretty and did her job well enough, but I had a feeling that she would do whatever it took to get into Jack's wallet. And right now, that was pretty easy because she was already in his pants.

"I know you don't like her, but this is my vacation. I wanted her to come along," he said quietly. I could tell he was muffling the phone so she wouldn't hear.

"No, I don't like her. I think you can do so much better. She's a gold-digger. I wish you would just find someone with a brain in her head."

"Unfortunately, I don't exactly have a lot of opportunities to meet women. We can talk about this later. Right now, I want this to get underway. Dean already has the helicopter en route. He wants me away from these paparazzi as soon as possible, so we'll be in Tampa before you." Jack switched on his business voice, telling me that it was time to do my job.

"Yes, Mr. Saunders. I'll be right there."


I managed not to kill Brandi. I was close, though, especially as she filed her nails for the billionth time and blabbered on about her "designer shoes." I kept it to myself that they were obviously a knock-off and that they gave her clown feet. I hoped she broke a heel stepping in the sand with them. Longest three hours of my life.

When we finally landed, I practically skipped off the plane. Jack walked sedately up the private tarmac, greeting me as I came out.

"You owe me a raise," I told him sweetly.

"Like you don't already have access to all my bank accounts already," he responded with an eye-roll. I gave him a grin.

"Have a great time. I'll do my best not to call you, but I make no promises." I gave him a quick hug. "Be sure to compliment her shoes."

"Her shoes? I don't understand women and their shoes. I need to find someone who likes just wearing sneakers. Sneakers I understand." Jack's eyes glazed as he looked up at the plane and thought about shoes. I had a sneaking suspicion that this fling with the secretary wasn't going to last long. I hoped he still managed to have a good vacation anyway.

Jack waved as he stepped up the metal staircase to the cabin door. He looked like a movie star as he ducked inside. I walked quickly off the tarmac and into the small office, pulling out my phone to figure out how I was going to make it back. With any luck, I could catch a charter flight home and still make it in time for check-in at the B&B.

One new message. The green light blinked on my phone. I decided to listen to it before making my flight plans. Maybe Dean had waited with the helicopter and I wouldn't have to worry about planes at all.

"Hi, Rachel," a male voice slurred. "This is Dean. I'm gonna need you to come get me."

The message ended abruptly as though he had dropped the phone. I stared at my cell for a moment, at a loss as to what to do. I couldn't believe he had called me.

I had tried to avoid him as much as possible since his having been hired. It had been easy enough. The few times that I had been alone in a car with him we had been polite and civil. Since we were usually just waiting for Jack to arrive or emerge from a meeting, our encounters had been thankfully brief. It appeared to be working.

I thought I was over the heartache of losing him. We only had a few short days together, and then he had never written me any letters. Despite his promise to come find me, he never did. I had forgiven him a long time ago, but now, with the Florida humidity and his voice still in my ears, I was having a hard time.