“But you already have a career...right? As a physical trainer? In Austin? That fancy master’s degree you earned in sports medicine won’t do you much good out on the farm.” He didn’t even bother to hide the sarcasm.

She wanted to squirm, but she concentrated on breathing in and breathing out, relaxing her muscles one set at a time. “Fortunately, mine is the kind of job that’s in demand. I’m sure they won’t hold my exact position, but there will be plenty of similar spots when I go back.”

“How long do you think you’ll have to stay here in Royal?”

“A few months. A year at the most. Will you loan me the money, or not?”

Jeff scowled. “You’ve got a lot of balls coming to me for help, Lucy.”

“You owe me,” she said firmly. “And you know it.” This man...this beautiful, rugged snake of a man had been responsible for the second worst day of her life.

He sat up and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. His veneer of calm peeled away, leaving a male who was a little bit frightening. Dark emerald eyes judged her and found her wanting. “I don’t owe you a single damn thing. You’re the one who walked out on our wedding and made me a laughingstock in Royal.”

She jumped to her feet, heart pounding. Lord, he made her mad. “Because I caught you at our rehearsal dinner kissing the maid of honor,” she yelled.


Something about Lucy’s meltdown actually made Jeff feel a little bit better about this confrontation. At least she wasn’t indifferent.

“Sit down, Lucy,” he said firmly. “If money is going to change hands, I have two conditions.”

She did sit, but the motion looked involuntary...as if her knees gave out. “Conditions?”

“It’s a lot of money. And besides, why ask me? Me, of all people?”

“You’re rich,” she said bluntly, her stormy gaze daring him to disagree.

It was true. His bank account was healthy. And sadly, Lucy had no family to turn to, other than her cousin. Lucy’s parents and Kenny’s had been killed in a boating accident eight years ago. Because of that tragedy, Lucy had a closer relationship with her cousin than one might expect. They were more like siblings, really.

“If my bottom line is good, it’s partly because I don’t toss money out the window on a whim.”

“It wouldn’t be a whim, Jeff. I know the way you think. This thing with Samson Oil is surely eating away at you. Outsiders. Taking over land that represents the history of Royal. And then doing God knows what with it. Drilling for oil that isn’t there. Selling off the dud acres. Shopping malls. Big box stores. Admit it. The thought makes you shudder. You have to be suspicious about why a mysterious oil company is suddenly trying to buy land that was checked for oil years ago.”

That was the problem with old girlfriends. They knew a man’s weaknesses. “You’re not wrong,” he said slowly, taken aback that she had pegged him so well. “But in that case, why wouldn’t I buy Kenny’s land outright? And make sure that it retains its original purpose?”

“Because it’s not the honorable thing to do. Kenny will see the light one day soon. And he would be devastated to come back to Royal and have nothing. Besides, that would be a whole lot more money. Twenty thousand is chicken feed to you.”

Jeff grimaced. “You must know some damn fine chickens.”

Perhaps she understood him better than he wanted to admit, because after laying out her case, she sat quietly, giving him time to sort through the possibilities. Lucy stared at him with hazel eyes that reflected wariness and a hint of grief.

He felt the grief, too. Had wallowed in it for weeks. But a man had to move on with his life. At one time, he’d been absolutely sure he would grow old with this woman. Now he could barely look at her.

“I need to think about it,” he said.

Lucy’s temper fired again. “Since when do you have trouble making decisions?” Her hands twisted together in her lap as if she wanted to wrap them around his neck.

“Don’t push me, Lucy.” He scowled at her. “I’ll pick you up out at the farm at five. We’ll have dinner, and I’ll give you my answer.”

Her throat worked. “I don’t want to be seen with you.”