I pulled my phone out of my pocket. The ancient thing was shaking angrily as it counted up missed messages. The number rolled into over 100 missed calls with just as many voice mails, and the darn thing was still shaking as it counted. I stuffed it back into my pocket and looked at Ashley like she had something to do with it.

“I can’t believe you really did it! You have to tell me all about it!” she squealed as she veered around a car going too slow for her taste. I couldn’t find words and stared at the magazine. She laughed at the expression on my face and tapped her hand on the glossy cover. “Go on read it. It’s today’s issue. Tell me if it is all true! I can’t believe you bagged Jack Saunders. Way to go Emma!” Ashley grinned at me as she turned onto the highway. The car felt suddenly hot with me bundled in my jacket and the heater on full blast, but I had a feeling it had more to do with the adrenaline and shock moving through my system. This was not what I had expected to come home to.

I opened up the magazine and flipped to the article, reading it aloud. “Playboy billionaire Jack Saunders married a homegrown girl from Iowa during his vacation to the exclusive Ocean Blue Resort on Ocean Key Island. Not much is known about this small town beauty, other than her name is Emma LaRue and she currently works as a veterinarian.” I stopped and looked over at Ashley. “I don’t know if you know this, but I’m not a vet.”

Ashley smacked my arm with her hand and then waved it so I would continue reading. “These exclusive photos show the happy couple very much in love. Sorry ladies, this ‘Prince Charming’ is now off the market!”

“So, is it true?” Ashley asked excitedly as I flipped through the photos. They looked like they had been taken by someone hiding behind a bush near the wedding site. I couldn’t believe how happy we both looked. The car swerved a little as she turned with an excited grin to point at the pictures.

“Eyes on the road! Well, it’s sort of true. It was kind of an impulse thing. It isn’t legal or anything. No one was supposed to know.”

Ashley squealed with excitement and the car swerved a little again. I resisted the urge to grab the door frame and instead glared at her.

“But it really was Jack Saunders? Th

at really is you?”

I nodded and she started jumping up and down in her seat and giggling with excitement.

“Eyes on the road, Ashley!” I yelled as the car swerved with every giggle.

“Is he as handsome in real life as he is in the pictures? Did you go out on his yacht? What parties did you go to?”

“I hate to disappoint you, but we mostly sat on the beach and talked,” I said. And he kisses like heaven and can turn my body to happy mush in 3.5 seconds. “I actually didn’t even know who he was until the last day.”

“What!? You didn’t recognize the most eligible billionaire bachelor? The prince that all Cinderellas are waiting for? And all you did was sit on a beach? No yacht? Are you serious?” The car swerved again.

“Road, Ashley. And no, I didn’t recognize him. I don’t read this stuff like you do,” I said, holding up the magazine. “I knew he had money, but he seemed like a normal guy.”

“Normal? Emma, honey, he is so much more than normal.” She looked over at me like I had said that chocolate was the most disgusting food on the planet. I sighed.

“You want to tell me all about him, don’t you?”

“Well, despite marrying the guy, you obviously know nothing about him.” Ashley veered around an SUV and shrugged apologetically at the driver as we zoomed past.

“Okay. Tell me.”

“The Press calls him ‘The Prince’. He is the son of a super wealthy oil prospector and is set to inherit the billions that is DS Oil and Gas, as well as a bunch of other little companies his father invested in. He tries to keep a low profile, but he is considered a bit of a playboy. There is always a different model on his arm for every society function. Not a whole lot is known about him, other than his good looks, boyish charm, and that he is practically made of money. Oh, and that he loves hamburgers.”

“Hamburgers, huh? I’ll keep that in mind.”

I stared down at the magazine in my hands. The photo was obviously taken from a distance, but it captured our kiss. I felt the ache in my chest threatening to consume me, but I couldn’t look away from the photograph. I didn’t see a man with wealth. I only saw Jack. I traced my finger along the curve of his cheek, remembering the warmth of his skin.

“Rumor is his dad is sick. He wasn’t supposed to take over the company until after his 31st birthday, but as you probably know, he is barely 29 and everything is going into motion to make him CEO.”

“He didn’t mention his dad. He said this was his last vacation before having to take over,” I said quietly, my eyes glued to his photograph.

“Well, yeah. It is kind of a big deal, Emma. He has his work cut out for him. This transition wasn’t supposed to take place for almost another 2 years and things are kind of a mess,” Ashley said as she veered around another car. She launched into business degree mode, the passion in her life other than tabloids and reality TV. The words sounded English, but I gave up trying to understand after the word “fiscal”. She had plenty to say on the subject, and I let her jabber on how difficult this particular transition was going to be while I stared at the glossy magazine pages.

“Whoa! I think somebody is at your apartment. You want to come stay at my place? Talk some more?” Ashley slowed to a stop in front of my building. Three black SUVs with tinted windows stood collecting snow in the visitor parking. I bit my lip and played with the ripped pocket on my coat. I didn’t want another run in with the press like at the airport, but I didn’t see much of a choice.

“I don’t have anything but my suitcase full of bathing suits,” I said slowly as a gust of wind flung snow at the windshield. “I’ll be fine. Besides, my landlord loves calling the cops. If she gets the chance to throw somebody out, it’ll make her week. Thanks for the ride though,” I said, zipping my jacket up under my chin like a suit of armor.

“Okay, but if you need anything, you call. Hey, Emma,...” Ashley eyed the SUVs and then turned and gave me a hug. “Be careful okay? I know I sound all excited that you married a billionaire, but he is known as a playboy. He is responsible for a lot of broken hearts. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Aw, Ashley. Thanks. I think I’ll be okay though. This was only supposed to be a vacation fling anyway. I’m sure it will all blow over in a couple of days.” I gave her an extra squeeze and then pulled the collar of my jacket up to brave the cold.

“Lunch tomorrow?” Ashley asked as I prepared myself to open the door into the freezing storm.