“So was I.” Jack could almost feel Rachel's probing gaze on him, even though he knew she was nowhere nearby. “So, still at your new girl's place?”

“Yes. And I'd like to stay here if you don't mind.” Jack lowered his voice. “Is Brandy gone?”

“I have her bags packed and in the car. Her flight's in an hour,” Rachel said confidently. “If she resists, Dean offered to hog tie her and throw her in the trunk.”

“I'm so glad to know my employees think so highly of my dates,” Jack replied. Rachel snickered.

“You just need to pick better dates. I'll let the lawyers know you've seen them and to bother Owen for

anything else,” Rachel said. “I'll let you know if there's any updates and when Brandy's in the air.”

“Thanks, Rachel.” Jack sank into one of the chairs on the porch overlooking the water. He clicked the phone off and set it on a small outdoor table. An old copy of Old Man and the Sea sat tucked into one of the chair cushions. Jack pulled it out and began leafing through the pages, trying to remember the plot from lit class.

It wasn't long before he heard motion from inside. Emma stepped out on the porch, her eyes distant but strong as she looked out at the water.

“Good morning, Sleepy-head. I thought you were going to sleep the day away,” he said, setting the book down. She jumped a little, but the smile that lit up her face was worth it.

“You're still here,” she murmured. “I woke up and thought you had left.”

“After a showing like last night? I may never leave,” he replied with a mischievous grin.

“It was pretty good, wasn’t it,” she remarked with a grin. Jack stood up and took her into his arms. She felt so good there, like it was exactly where she was meant to be.

“Better than good,” he whispered, and truly meant it. He tucked his chin and leaned forward to kiss her. She opened up like a flower under his touch and he could already feel himself getting hard after just one kiss.

Unfortunately, his phone had other plans.

“What is it?” Jack growled into the phone. She untangled herself from his arms and stepped down into the sand, trying to give him some privacy. He leaned against the rail, watching her and wanting to hang up the phone instead.

“It's the lawyers again, Jack,” Rachel started.

“I don't care about the damn lawyers.” Jack did his best to keep his voice low and even, but the fact that lawyers were interrupting his vacation put him on edge. “Take care of it.”

“I'm trying. They need your signature, Jack,” Rachel explained. “I can't forge it, not for this. Just come sign the paperwork and I'll take care of the rest.”

Jack ran his hand through his hair, looking out at Emma. She was watching the water dance across the shore. He didn't want to leave her. He wanted to stay right here, perhaps even in the bed, but definitely with her.

“I'm sorry, Jack. This is important. I wouldn't call if it wasn't,” Rachel said after a moment.

“I'll be there in a bit. I'm done in two hours, though. Even if it means Robbie has to run the company, I'm back here in two hours.” Jack hung up the phone and watched as Emma tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

“Emma,” Jack said softly, joining her in the sand. “I have to leave for a little bit. There is something I have to take care of that can’t wait. Business.”

Her green eyes clouded and she looked away. “I understand.” Her voice wavered and it broke his heart. He could only imagine what she thought he was leaving for.

The stand of hair escaped in the wind again and Jack gently tucked it back behind her ear once more.

“I will meet you here in two hours. Don't be late,” he said and kissed her.


One hour and forty five minutes later, Jack was ready to murder the lawyers and Owen. His neck hurt from cradling the phone against his shoulder as he signed every sheet of paper Rachel put in front of him. It was a never ending task.

“I'm done,” Jack informed Rachel, setting his phone down. “I said two hours, and I have a ten minute walk back. Owen can handle the rest.”

Rachel picked up one last sheet of paper. “Just this one and you are free for the day, I promise.”

Jack hastily scribbled his name and looked up at Rachel. He wanted to do what was right by both Emma and his company.