He carefully placed his phone on the nightstand and then set his wallet beside it after removing the foil package inside. With practiced hands, he rolled the thin wrapper down his length; he swelled slightly at his own touch but knew it was hers he was thinking of.

“What's your favorite position?” he asked, leaning over her body but not touching her. He could feel her heat, feel it all the way to his core.

She giggled. “The one we're in right now is just fine.”

“Then, I'll start right here,” he whispered. His erection throbbed against her opening. His brain was buzzing as her perched, ready to slide into her. Jack's breath caught as he took what he was so desperately needing.

He was lost to everything but the feel of her body clenching his, lost to Emma completely. She kissed him, pulling her into her ever deeper. He thrust harder, propping himself up on his hands and using his muscles to fill her with his need.

He wanted so badly to just explode right there. The buzzing sensation growing in his groin was threatening to overwhelm him. He hadn't been this eager since his first time with a girl. It was taking every ounce of self control not to succumb to the pleasure Emma was giving him without even trying.

He pulled back, afraid of losing himself too quickly. With quick hands, he grabbed her shoulder and slid behind her, spooning her. He took a breath to center himself as he traced her hip with his fingers. She shivered and raised her leg, granting him access once again.

Everything about her was warm and soft. Jack's breathing was ragged in her ear, his body questing and diving into her as she rocked her hips against his. He took control, using his hands to guide her hips just the way he wanted. She didn't fight, instead reading his actions and responding like a dance partner to his request.

It was happening again. He never came this quickly, but within several beats of her hips, he was flying toward climax again. At this rate, he was going to be no better than a high school boy. He wanted to impress her, to make her feel as wonderful as he did. He dove deep one last time, savoring her heat surrounding him before pulling back.

She turned, looking him up and down and biting that lip that drove him crazy. It wasn't fair to put such perfect lips on a woman. He beckoned her forward with a finger, grinning impishly. She blushed, still shy and sweet even naked in the dark.

With a boldness betrayed by her shy blush, she straddled his hips and sank into him. She began to writhe, pressing her arms together and flaunting her perfect breasts. He growled, soaking in the sight of her bouncing on top of him.

Emma's breaths came in ragged gasps as he skewered her with pleasure. Every thrust, every inch, every touch was pure ecstasy with her. Her breasts bounced up and down right in front of his eyes and he groaned, feeling his body responding to her every movement. It was as if she was made to give him pleasure. She created rapture in him without even seeming to try.

He needed to be in charge. He needed to take control before he lost control completely. His hand went to her hair and she gasped as he clenched. Her body clamped down on his, tightening and clenching on his rod as me pulled her to him. He wanted to touch every inch of her skin, to have her completely to himself.

“You're incredible,” he gasped, his body straining to continue. He slammed his hips up into her, waning to hear her cries of passion. He was in control of her body, using her to find himself. He pulled her to him and rolled until he was on top.

She looked up at him with big green eyes full of trust and want. He knew this time, there was no stopping it. His primal urges were too far gone this time. Rearing over her, he thrust deeper and harder. She cried out for release, digging her fingers into his skin in a desperate attempt to take as much of him into her as she could.

His roar shook the windows as he exploded, losing himself to her completely in a pleasure he wasn't sure he could survive. Black spots filled his vision and his ears rang as he rode out wave upon wave of pleasure.

His arms collapsed and he fell onto her as his orgasm finally subsided. Jack was breathing hard and slick with sweat as he pulled away so not to crush her with his weight. He removed the condom and tied it in a knot. He could see a trash can near the bed and he carefully aimed and threw.

It missed by a mile. He couldn't believe it. He never missed, but Emma had him seeing double. She did things to him that made it hard to see straight, let alone hit a target. He stared at the spot on the floor where the condom now rested. His body was refusing to move, refusing to leave the comfort of the woman still wrapped around his body.

She sighed, but just snuggled closer. He held her close, their breathing slowing in time with one another. Emma's breathing became slower and more even as her head rested on his chest. He brushed the hair from her face and smiled, feeling himself drift to sleep behind her. For the first time in a very long time, Jack was happy.

Kisses From Jack: Chapter 5

Jack awoke the next morning to the sound of a text.

Lawyers have question. Investors in Dubai. -Rachel

Jack groaned, but knew it needed a response. Emma was still fast asleep, her head resting on his arm. He didn't want to move, didn't want to even risk waking her up, but he had to call the lawyers back or there would be a panic. Even on his vacation, he didn't really get a day off.

He slipped out of bed and into his clothes from the day before. He searched for his shirt, finally finding it hanging on the top of a dresser on the other end of the room. He grinned remembering the noise Emma had made when she pulled it off of him. He kissed Emma's forehead before leaving the room. She murmured something and smiled in her sleep.

Morning was already warming the white sands of the beach outside as he stepped onto the porch. The ocean was a soft green, reminding him of Emma's eyes. Only Emma's eyes had more depth.

Jack sighed and hit the speed dial for Rachel.

“The lawyers are at it early this morning, Jack,” Rachel informed him without greeting. “They want to know if the contracts from Dubai have been looked at.”

Jack grimaced. “That's Owen's job.”

“I told them that,” Rachel replied. “But, since he's smart and not picking up his phone, they called me. Since I got woken up, you get woken up. It sucks being the boss.”

“I was having a very nice morning.”