Page 52 of Mr. Darcy's Kiss

“I’m going to go get some more of those chocolate strawberries,” Georgiana announced, standing up from her seat. She swayed slightly, her thin body struggling with the sudden movement. She wasn’t completely healthy yet, and I suspected that her adorable pixie cut was less choice and more about using what hair she had left.

“I’ll come with you,” I told her, rising up myself.

She shooed me back down. “No, no,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ll be right back. You stay here.”

She flashed me a grin that told me she knew exactly what she was doing leaving the two of us alone.

Unfortunately, I had no idea what to do. And given the awkward silence, neither did Mr. Darcy.

“She’s adorable,” I finally blurted out. “Your sister, I mean. I mean...” I took a deep breath. How did he fluster me without even saying a word? I smiled at him and tried again. “I’m having a very nice evening. Thank you for letting me join you and your sister.”

He smiled, and my heart went into double time.

“Likewise,” he replied.

I needed something smart to say. Something that would make him smile at me like that again.

“So, how’s the buyout going?” I asked, trying to sound casual. “I saw something about it proceeding as planned in the news the other day.”

I suddenly found myself wishing I’d paid more attention to the news story. A patient had been watching it when I came in to check vitals, so I didn’t really have that option, but that didn’t change me from wishing I had.

“It’s going well,” he replied. He sounded so calm and smooth. “I’m very pleased with it. We have a meeting tomorrow to finalize everything. I wish everything in my life would work out as well as this did.”

The way he looked at me told me he meant me. I swallowed hard and looked down at my hands. This would be a great time to apologize. I knew that I should, yet somehow I couldn’t get the words out. My pride was too big.

“I’m glad it’s working out for you,” I instead told him. It was lame as hell. “I wish you all the success in the world.”

“Thank you.” A small ghost of a smile flickered across his face. It made me ache to see him smile again.

“Will you be staying in New York after the deal is complete?” I asked, holding my breath. I hoped he was.

“Just until the end of the year,” he replied. “Geo loves New York this time of year. Plus, I think she likes getting away from Catherine.”

“Your COO?” I asked, making sure I had the right one.

He nodded. “Yes. Our Aunt Catherine looks after Geo when I’m out on business,” Mr. Darcy said. “Catherine prefers to stay in London, so Geo takes any opportunity to come with me to New York she can.”

“I’m glad she came.” I smiled, meaning it. If she hadn’t come to the party, I would never have had this wonderful time with her and Mr. Darcy.

I racked my brain, trying to come up with something that we could have a real discussion on. I wanted to keep talking with him all night. I was about to ask him about his flying when Georgiana reappeared.

It was perfect and yet terrible timing.

“I managed to get the last three strawberries,” she announced. “Everything is shutting down. Apparently, the party is ending.”

“What?” I looked down in shock at my watch. “It’s supposed to go until eleven.”

“And it’s eleven fifteen,” Georgiana informed me. My watch backed her up. How in the world had so many hours gone by without me noticing?

“Oh dear.” I quickly pulled out my phone and saw several missed messages. Three were from my ride home. The first said it was time to leave, the second where she was, and then the third that she was leaving without me. There was even a message from Jane asking when I’d be home. I hadn’t even noticed them.

“What’s wrong?” Mr. Darcy asked, his face concerned.

“My ride home left. She has to work tomorrow, so she left earlier,” I explained. I put my phone away and shrugged. “It’s not important. I can get a cab really easily.”

“I’ll take you home.” He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t have to think about it. He just offered.

“You don’t have to, Mr. Darcy,” I told him, standing up from the table. I doubted he wanted to be stuck with me any longer than he had to be.