Page 21 of Mr. Darcy's Kiss

“I'm Collins,” he shouted over the music. “What's your name?”

“Lizzie,” I replied. I already wished the song would come to an end. Shuffling my feet back and forth while he stood a good two feet away with his hands awkwardly on my hips was not fun dancing. We weren't even with the beat of the song.

“That's an odd name,” he replied. “I've never met a Zizzy before.”

“No, Lizzie, with an L,” I told him.


“Yeah, sure. We'll go with that.”

The next few moments felt like an eternity. Collins shuffled his feet directly opposite of the beat, making any movement feel completely out of place. Plus, we were the only couple in the entire club that had the middle school dance pose going. He kept trying to have a conversation, but with the music as loud as it was, that was impossible.

“Thank you,” I told him, stepping away as soon as the music changed even a little bit.

"Would you like another?" He pursed his lips in what I assumed was an attempt at a sexy face. It was either that, or he was going to be sick.

“I'm good, thanks,” I replied, taking a step back. “I'd like to dance around a bit. Thanks, though.”

He nodded sharply and immediately went to another girl. She grinned at him.

“You're pretty cute,” she cooed. “I'm Charlotte.”

He grinned at her, and I quickly moved deeper into the crowd as he started his awkward dance routine with her. If the two of them were dancing, who was I to stand in the way of their happiness?

I kept dancing across the dance floor, moving my hips and having fun. I could see Lydia out of the corner of my eye shaking her booty and having a great time. For once, I wasn't worried about her getting kicked out. She seemed to be behaving herself.

A cute man came up and started dancing with me. He was mid-height with blonde hair and a couple of tattoos peeking out from under his shirtsleeves. I offered my hand, and he spun me into him, putting his hands on my hips and moving with me to the music.

At first, the dance was fun. Cute-guy kept his hands on my hips, pulling me into his body and moving to the music. It was worlds away better than dancing with Collins, but then he started going too far. He grabbed my ass instead of my hips, and he didn't let me go as he thrust his pelvis into me.

I stepped away, no longer enjoying what was going on. I wanted to dance, not to be groped.

“Come on, baby,” he said over the music, flashing me what I assumed was his best smile. He was no longer Cute-guy. He was now Cute-but-awful guy. “It's just for fun.”

“I think I'm done,” I said, turning to leave, but he grabbed my hand.

“Just another dance, baby,” he cooed. “I'll behave. Until you don't want me to.”

I tried to wrench my arm from his grasp, but he was much bigger and stronger than me. I wasn't sure what to do. Should I play nice until he let me go and then run? Should I kick him in the balls? Scream bloody murder?

“She said she's done,” a strong voice said behind me. I turned to find Mr. Darcy out on the dance floor. For the first time since meeting him, I was glad to see him.

“Wait your turn,” Cute-but-awful guy told him. He still had my wrist in his hand.

“No,” Mr. Darcy said, putting his hand on my shoulder. He looked dangerous. “Either you leave now, or they help you out.”

He nodded to the three muscle-bound bouncers in black watching them. Cute-but-awful guy dropped my wrist.

“You need to chill, man,” Cute-but-awful guy said. He blew me a kiss and walked away.

I stood there on the dance floor breathing hard even though I wasn't moving. Mr. Darcy had rescued me. I knew I could have done it myself, but his method was way more effective and didn't involve bodily harm.

“Thank you,” I told him over the music.

He shrugged like it was nothing. “May I have the next dance?”

He held out his hand, waiting for me to take it.