Page 8 of Mr. Darcy's Kiss

“I wanted that journal,” I told him. My face felt hot. “I bid on it. Twice.”

“Then you should have bid higher,” he told me flatly. “I'm very sorry, but that's just how it works.”

My fingers clenched into a ball. Jane was giving me a death glare to behave and not cause a scene. I took a deep breath. We were in public and getting angry wasn't going to solve anything.

“Excuse me. I need to go check on my sister,” I told him. I smiled and nodded politely to Jane and Charles before swiveling on my heels and walking out. I could feel them all looking at me. Mr. Darcy's eyes felt like hot lasers.

So, I walked as sexy as possible.

Stare away, Mr. Darcy, I said in my head. Eat your heart out, because there is no way in heaven or hell that you get anywhere near me ever again.

Chapter 4

It took me less than five seconds to find my sister, because she was standing on a chair at the bar waving to Layla and calling out the actress’ name.

The movie star was ignoring her and leaving the party. Lydia continued to shout, perilously teetering on the chair and looking like she might fall down at any moment.

I hurried over and pulled her down. Several people were staring. I thanked my lucky stars that none of my co-workers had won tickets because this was embarrassing. At least we would never have to see these rich people again after tonight.

“What are you doing?” Lydia slurred. She pushed me away, but not before I could smell the alcohol drenching her.

“Fix your dress,” I hissed at her. “You’re embarrassing yourself.”

Lydia looked down at her dress to see her bra poking out of the top. She giggled and tugged her strapless dress back up to cover it. “It’s not that big of a deal, Lizzie.”

“What are you doing?” I asked her. I leaned over and motioned to the bartender for a drink. I needed one. No, I needed three.

“Getting famous,” Lydia replied. “I want another drink, too.”

“No, you’re cut off,” I told her. The bartender nodded as he handed me a martini. I chugged it as soon as he set it down, ignoring the burning sensation down my throat. I motioned for another.

Lydia pouted. “I’m not that drunk,” she said, trying to sit down on a chair and missing. She caught herself before falling too much. “Besides, I have great news.”

“That’s fantastic,” I told her. The bartender handed me a new martini, looking at little hesitant this time. I took a delicate sip, and he looked less worried. I turned back to Lydia, giving her my full attention. “Okay, what’s your news?”

“I found a talent scout. He likes me, and I’m going to be in all kinds of commercials,” Lydia announced. “That’s him in the blue suit.”

She pointed directly at the transport assistant from downstairs.

“You mean the guy with the man-bun and the suit jacket that’s too big?” I asked. I took another delicate sip of my drink.

“Yeah. He told me he could get me in all kinds of commercials,” Lydia told me proudly. “He’s going to take me back to his place, and we’re going to discuss what I want to do first.”

I took a nice long sip of my drink. It was soothing, and I was going to need more at the rate this night was going.

“That’s Eddie. He’s an orderly on the fourth floor of my hospital. He is the other employee who won tickets to tonight. He is not a talent scout,” I told her, trying to use a gentle voice. “Unless you are laying on a gurney and need transport, he’s not going to help your career.”

“What?” Lydia’s mouth opened in shock. She looked back and forth between Eddie and me in shock. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I tried. Remember when you shooed me away?”

Her eyes went wide.

“You should have tried harder,” she chastised me. She crossed her arms and pouted. “Well, I’m not going home with him now.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” I agreed. She rolled her eyes at me before trying to stand up and nearly falling down.

“Now who is going to make me famous?” she mumbled, tripping over her own feet as she took a step away from me. I barely managed to catch her. She was totally drunk.