Page 6 of Mr. Darcy's Kiss

“If what I’ve read is correct, you happen to be very good at your day job,” I said, trying to keep the conversation going. If I didn’t say something, the two of them were going to just stare and smile at one another. “You own a hotel chain and several nightclubs.”

Charles nodded. “Yes. But, I would love just to paint.”

“I’d love that, too,” Jane told him. She blushed hard. “I mean, someday, I’d like just to paint.”

Charles’ eyes went back to her, and it was like they were the only two people in the entire room. I could have sworn I heard Cupid’s arrow whoosh past me on it’s way to the two of them. They both grinned at one another.

“Did you see the Loiseau?” Charles asked Jane.

“I did, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it,” Jane replied breathlessly. I knew it wasn’t just a line. She really did want to hear what he had to say.

I chuckled and took a quiet step back. I was forgotten by the two of them, and I was very okay with that. Jane looked happier than I’d seen in a long time. She looked comfortable walking around with Charles, despite the fact that I knew she didn’t like crowds much.

She was lost to her art, and he was right there with her. The crowd didn’t matter here.

I watched them for a moment, seeing the attraction between them grow with every word. It was beautiful and incredibly sweet. I could wait to get Jane’s opinion on the journal. I didn’t want to interrupt her falling in love.

I gave the happy couple one more smile before turning and walking back to the party. I wanted another drink and to see what else the party had to offer. Besides, I needed to check on Lydia and make sure she hadn’t terrorized the rich and famous too much.

Chapter 3

I found Lydia at the bar having a great time with a man. She was flirting and giggling with him for everything she was worth. I wanted to warn her, but she waved me away before I could get close. I just hoped that she knew the man she was flirting with wasn't rich and famous. He was the other hospital winner of tickets to tonight's event. He worked on the floor below me as a transport technician. If she was hoping he was her ticket to fame and fortune, she was in for a surprise.

I picked up a fresh drink while she glared daggers at me to leave her alone. She mouthed the words, “go away,” leaving no doubt that she didn't want my interference. I gave her a friendly wave and headed off to see the rest of the party.

It was amazing. There was a live band, amazing food, free drinks, and beautiful people everywhere. For the night, I felt like I'd been transported to a different world. I rubbed elbows with the rich and famous. I found myself having a wonderful conversation with an older woman who owned my favorite restaurant and her husband who ran my favorite shopping center.

It was a wonderful party.

“Just an announcement folks,” the singer of the band called out. “The silent auction will be ending in ten minutes. If you want to make some last minute bids on some amazing items, now is the time to do so. Remember, all proceeds go to these amazing hospitals.”

I thought about the journal. It wouldn't hurt to see if anyone else had bid on it. If someone had, then I would find something else for my dad, but if it was available, that journal was mine. The more I thought about it, the more perfect I realized it would be for him.

I said goodbye to my conversation and hurried over to the journal. I found that no one had bid on it and I grinned. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but it was mine for the taking. I quickly wrote down my name with my bid, feeling confident that I would win.

I felt rather proud of myself as I stood back and waited for the end of bidding so I could claim my prize. I could already imagine my dad's face when he opened the gift. His eyes would go wide, and his jaw would drop. He might even cry. It was going to be amazing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone writing a bid on my journal. Not only that, it was the jerk who ran into me earlier at the bar. Of all the people at the party, he had to bid on my item. My hand tightened around my empty martini glass, and I had to stop and take a deep breath.

Once he set the pen down, I was there. The journal was now way above what I should spend on a gift, but I didn't care. It was a matter of principle now. I couldn't let that jerk take my father's present. I signed my name with a flourish.

"Lizzie, there you are," Jane called to me as I finished signing. There were only a few minutes left in the auction, and the jerk was off bidding on a different item. I felt confident I had won. He wouldn't come back in the last few minutes and steal my dad's journal.

Jane still stood next to the Loiseau. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement and she still only had her first drink in her hand. I wondered if she had ever even left this room, or if she and Charles had just stood here and talked about the paintings for the entire party. While that sounded terrible to me, I knew that it would be Jane's ideal way to spend the evening.

“Where's Charles?” I asked, looking around for her handsome conversation partner.

“He's getting me a drink and looking for his friend,” she replied. “He'll be back in a moment. Did you find anything to bid on?”

“An antique journal,” I told her. “And I'm pretty sure I've won it.”

“Oh, that would be perfect for your dad,” Jane agreed. “I know you've been looking for something special for him. I'm sure he'll love it.”

“I think so, too,” I replied. Jane's approval made me even more glad I had bid on it. “Did you bid on anything?”

Jane laughed and carefully pushed a blonde strand of hair back into place. “No, but more because Charles and I just talked. I completely lost track of time with him.”

I grinned and gave my beautiful friend a hug. I couldn't have been happier for her. If she met someone who shared her passion for art, then I considered tonight a roaring success. The fact that her new friend happened to be very wealthy was just a perk.