I smile, but it's not kind. I am the master of this situation.

“I can offer you money,” I tell her. “And, I'll offer you something worth more. Mrs. Russo tried to screw me. I don't take kindly to that.”

Her ears perk up, but her dour expression doesn't change. “And what are you offering?”

I give her a predatory grin. “Power.”

Her expression moves from upset to interested. “Go on.”

“I'll pay you for the photographs,” I tell her. “But, I'm looking to expand my territory. With the Russos and Savios combined, there's an opportunity.”

“I'm listening,” she says, crossing her arms.

“I want to deal with your family,” I tell her. “I need more strength on the docks. We're expecting to move more goods with the marriage in place. I want to let the Romanos in as a show of good faith.”

Mrs. Romano's face gives her away. Joining the Russos on the docks was the goal of marrying the Russos. The Romanos and the Russos both vied for the docks, but if they worked together, they would be unstoppable.

“Basically, I'm offering an alliance rather than a marriage,” I tell her. “You get what you want. I get Dante. Your daughter doesn't have to marry a man she doesn't like.”

Mrs. Romano strokes her chin. I know she's pretending to think this over but that she's already decided to to it. It's a good deal.

“I'll need sixty percent,” she tells me. That's when I know she's in. It's just haggling now.

We're negotiating now. The fact that she's willing to talk means that the

deal is on. Now it's just specifics. It takes some time, but we come to the agreement we both knew was going to happen

“Fifty-fifty. Whatever you bring in is yours and whatever we bring in is ours, but we work together and split the work,” I say.

She nods in agreement. “We both win.”

“Exactly.” I reach for my purse. “And as for the photos?”

I pull out a stack of cash. It's mostly symbolic now that we have the business deal made. She takes my money and goes to a desk drawer. She pulls out a thumb drive and hands it to me.

“I wouldn't look at them,” she tells me. “Not unless you have a strong stomach.”

I take the thumb drive. I'll have Ethan check them and make sure they are authentic. I don't want to see my mother in law having sex.

“It's been a pleasure doing business with you,” I tell her with a smile. I actually mean the smile this time.

“Likewise,” Mrs. Romano says. “Oh, and as a gesture of goodwill, I have some information for you.”

I pause, my ears perking up. “I'm listening.”

“I know that you've increased patrols on the north side of town,” she replies. “In response to the increase in unwilling escorts.”

I wonder for a moment how she found that out, but if I could find out her secrets, she could find out mine.


“Mrs. Russo is behind it. She needs the extra cash. The rest of the family isn't involved. Just her and a couple of goons looking for a quick payday.”

My eyebrows raise. This is a surprise. “Why are you telling me this?”

Mrs. Romano's eyes glitter with malice. “That woman tried to screw me. As you said, I don't appreciate that.”

The two of us smile at one another. This relationship will be profitable. Loyalty based on common goals is stronger than money, as the senator said.