They certainly raised a lot of Savio money today, I think to myself with a smile.

“I'm so glad we still have such a good working relationship,” the man I'm talking to replies. He's in his late sixties, but still looking trim and handsome in his official police uniform. His wife wears diamond earrings that a woman married to a man in the public sector shouldn't be able to afford.

I know that my money paid for those, too.

“It's important for local businesses to have ties to the community,” I respond with a practiced smile. “I'm so glad that you are willing to work with my family. For the betterment of the community, of course.”

The police chief smiles. This is all a game and we both know it. My family has been paying him for a long time. The police never bother our business operations. It's a good deal for both of us.

“Tell your aunt and uncle hello for me, won't you?” the police chief asks. “Although, I must say, it is wonderful having you here. You're much prettier in a dress than your uncle.”

I chuckle. “I'll make sure to tell him that.”

This is a part of the business that I'm actually very good at. I've slowly been taking over the business. My aunt and uncle want to retire eventually, so they've slowly been training me on things. This year, I've been responsible for all the official meetings. As far as it looks to the outside, I'm simply taking up all the social engagements. However, a lot of business is done at the local events.

Not all of the meetings the mob does are in back alleys or dark offices. Many of them are out in broad daylight. We meet at restaurants and attend social functions. There's no better way to make a company look legitimate than to do legitimate things.

Today, I made sure that the police are still in my pocket. They don't mind us much since we keep to ourselves for the most part. Since we aren't slinging drugs or selling off children, we are a lower threat. Throw some generous “donations” in, and the police force is happy to turn a blind eye to the less-than legal side of my family business.

"Have you met Senator Grayson?" He asks me, motioning to a man coming our direction.

I shake my head no.

"Let me introduce you." He waves hello to the incoming senator. "Senator, this is Cara Savio. She runs Savio Mattresses."

The senator shakes my hand. His firm is firm and strong. He's an older man as most politicians are, with silver hair and pale blue eyes. I'm always wary of men called senator, and even though he looks nice enough, I won't trust him farther than I can throw him.

"It's very nice to meet you, Senator." I smile.

"It's very nice to meet you," he says to me. “Your mother was Caroline Jeffries, right? I once had the privilege of hearing your mother play once. It's stayed with me all these years. She was extraordinary.”

My eyes widen slightly. Not many people put my mother's married name with the Savio family. "Thank you."

"I was actually hoping to meet you here," he says. "The police chief has spoken very highly of you."

My surprise at him knowing my mother diminishes slightly. He did his research on me. I wonder if he really did hear my mother play. It's cynical, but I've had enough experience with politicians not to be stupid.

"I didn't have an interest in supporting politicians that help my family's business," I tell him.

He smiles, but it's a business smile. "I think our interests definitely align in that regard."

"Are you running for re-election?"

He nods. "I'm favored to keep the seat, but I still need every advantage I can get."

"I'll be sure to contribute to your campaign fund," I promise.

It's always good to have a senator in your pocket. It never hurts to have friends in high places. We have enough funds that a donation to buy some good will is a smart plan.

"Thank you very much," he says with a sincere smile. At least it passes as sincere. "Your mother played in Michigan. I believe she was involved with senator Norwood at the time?"

My chest tightens slightly, the way it always does when someone speaks of Senator Norwood.

"Yes." I don't elaborate.

"Are you supporting his campaign as well?"

"Hell no." It comes out stronger than I mean to.