He goes back to the piano, cracks his knuckles, and sits down to play. At first I don't recognize the piece. It was something that the usual piano player might play, something that you'd hear on an Oldies station. After a moment, I recognize the chorus. It's the Mission Impossible theme.

After he's done, he gets another round of applause, then walks back over to me. He has a big grin on his face, but I don't really return it. “Aw, come on. You can't be that young that you don't recognize this song.”

“I recognized it, but I don't get it,” I said.

I frown for a moment and then it dawns on me. I can't believe I didn't get the joke. “It's a spy song.”

He chuckles and that grin is back. I know that I should leave. If he doesn't recognize me, then he doesn't know about the engagement yet. Or he's playing with me.

Either way, I should escape while it's still a good option.

“Well, Vesper, are you ready to play a song with me? I think there's still one or two Bond movie songs we can play,” he says.

He's very charming. I'm tempted, but as I stand up, I remember why I didn't play with him a moment ago. “I can't. I have a busy day of work tomorrow, and I need to go home,” I lie. I turn to walk toward the door.

“Wait,” he says, and grabs my elbow. I look at him and for a moment I see a dark desire in his eyes. This is a man who is used to getting what he wants. He's used to power. “What are you doing after work tomorrow?”

I look at his strong body up and down, and I feel compelled to answer. “Nothing.”

He smiles and lets go of my arm. “Good. How would you like to hang out with me?”

No! the little voice in my head screams. “Okay,” my real voice says, betraying me.

His smile is as broad as I've ever seen a man smile. “Great. Do you live nearby?”

“Near enough,” I say. No way I'm going to tell a rival mob member where I live. We aren't married yet.

“I'll meet you here. Six o'clock sound good?”

“Six o'clock sounds fine.”

“I'll see you then, Vesper.” He smiles, then turns on his heel and heads back to the piano. As he starts to play, he looks right at me, then plays what might as well be a victory fanfare. I laugh, then walk out the door.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, I think to myself. I shouldn't be making this into a bigger thing than it is. Yet his sexy charm has won me over, has made it so I can't even think straight. I can't help but think how nice it might be to date him with family approval.

Chapter 4

For a few moments when I wake up the next day, I consider not showing up to Bond's date at all. It would make things easier for me now, but harder in a couple days when I show up for our family sponsored “date”. Or maybe he'll understand completely.

I should never have let him buy me a drink last night.

No. I really enjoyed his company, and I want to see him again. I don't care that we're rivals, or whether things will be weird when we officially meet. For once in my life, all I care about is the now.

And right now, I'm starving. I call up Sara. I know she's probably getting ready for her photo shoot, but who doesn't want to get some breakfast? She sounds sleepy when she answers, but agrees to meet me.

I throw on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top, put a light jacket over top, and go down to our favorite diner. It's just one building over from my apartment and it's where we like to talk about everything and nothing. I order us a couple cups of coffee before she arrives.

In a few minutes, a gorgeous blonde walks in. All eyes are on her in those tight jeans and a tighter sweater, perfectly framing her generous hips and breasts. Even compared to me, she is

a knockout.

She seems oblivious as she walks to the booth I'm sitting in, though I know she's anything but unaware. She makes a lot of money by flaunting those curves. She's a model and I know she'll make it big any day now.

“Hey there,” she calls to me. I stand up and she gives me a hug.

“Good to see you,” I say. We sit down. “Who's your client today?”

She rolls her eyes. “Another car dealership that wants a pretty blonde sitting on an expensive car for an ad. At least it's easy work.”