I slide a packet of photos to each of them.

“In these folders are photographs of the abuse Norwood inflicted on my mother,” I say. My voice shakes slightly. I hate those photos. My beautiful and talented mother deserved so much more than this. Dante puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me a gentle squeeze. “There are also copies of receipts, transactions, and what occurred for every documented bruise.”

The senator's eyes go wide and he turns pale as he looks through the photos. He shuts the folder without looking at all of them.

“I know the chief of police where this occurred,” Chief O'Brien says after a moment. “Statute of limitations hasn't passed yet.”

“Good. I want the law to take this as far as it can go,” I tell him. I turn to the Senator. “And I want these to go public.”

A cruel smile crosses his face and he quickly masks it with an expression of concern. I know that inwardly he's doing happy somersaults. I just handed him the end to Norwood's presidential run on a silver platter. No candidate can come back from something like this.

“Are you sure?” Grayson asks. “These are your mother, after all.”

I swallow hard. Dante has already asked me this question. Am I okay with pictures of my mother with bruises being public?

“She took these in order to bring him down. She died before she had the chance. She would want these to be out there if it means catching and punishing him. She took the photos and kept all the details so that this could happen. It's just that it's happening ten years after when it should have.”

Senator Grayson nods, but I see the corners of his mouth twitching upward.

“There's something else I want with these photos,” I say. “I want to push for a new autopsy of my mother. In light of the fact that the first one was done by a close personal friend of the man who beat her.”

Chief O'Brien looks up slowly. “You're going to use these to open up her death?”

I nod.

He leans back in his chair and looks me over. “You think you'll get anything?”

“He was the last one to see her after having an argument,” I reply. “He obviously had no issue with beating her. The police report doesn't match the coroner's report. There was no investigation done and it was pushed along. I want it redone.”

“With these, I think I ca

n make that happen,” Senator Grayson says. “Norwood has a lot of people that don't like him. The only people that are loyal to him are those on his payroll, but these?” He points to the photos. “These will make a lot of those payments seem like not enough.”

“You'll do it then?” I ask him.

“Consider it already done,” Grayson replies. “I hope we nail him to the wall.”

Chief O'Brien chuckles. “This is going to be a bloodbath.”

“I certainly hope so,” I tell him. He smiles a feral smile at me that makes me glad he's on my team. Senator Grayson wears a similar one.

“We're going to get justice for your mother,” Grayson tells me. He smiles down at the folder. “Sweet, sweet justice. And maybe just a touch of revenge.”

I feel a pressure lift from my shoulders. My mother will have her day in court against the man that hurt her. She isn't here to do it personally, but I'm going to make sure that everyone knows exactly what Norwood did to her.

I'm going to ruin his life like he ruined mine.

Chapter 29

The sun is shining and it's a beautiful, crisp winter day. The snow is still clean and sparkling out by Mrs. Russo's home. Beautiful green branches support fluffy white coats and everything sparkles in the afternoon sunshine.

“You doing okay?” Dante asks as we turn into his old house. Ethan is driving us today.

I'm meeting Mrs. Russo. The last time we spoke, she threatened to invite Norwood, so it's possible he'll be here today as well. Today, Dante isn't leaving my side for an instant.

“I think so,” I tell him. Inside, I'm a mess. Just the thought of seeing Norwood makes my stomach roll. The bruises still ache from my last meeting with Norwood. My stomach is a mess of knots and I have to pee, even though there's nothing there. It's just nerves. Or maybe the pregnancy.

I think I'm going to be sick.