“I look forward to working with you,” I say. I mean it.

Mrs. Romano nods. “Likewise. I think we have a very profitable future together.”

Chapter 28

This time I make the meeting with Senator Grayson. There will be no confusion. Senator Norwood won't be a surprise guest this time.

Still, I have Ethan and Dante with me. I feel like a queen with these two big strong men backing me up. I walk in front and they come behind me. I now understand why mob bosses walk around with security. It isn't just for show.

We meet at my aunt's office after hours. I arrive first with Ethan making sure that everything is secure as Dante and I set up in the office. We make sure there are comfortable chairs and refreshments. It feels rather silly to be playing hostess, but I know the details matter.

I sit in my aunt's heavy leather chair behind the desk. It feels strange to be on this side of the desk, but my aunt had insisted. I am running this show. I have to be in the position of power.

Dante stands behind me, his hands behind him and stance wide. He is my bodyguard. The shape of a Glock handgun is easily visible through his jacket. I know another smaller pistol is strapped to his calf and he has a knife up one of his sleeves.

He isn't about to let anyone touch me or his child.

Ethan stands outside my office like a bouncer. I don't have the full inventory of his arsenal, but I know he was just as well armed as Dante, if not better.

I steeple my hands and wait for my meeting start. Outwardly, I look calm. Collected. Inwardly, I am shaking and nervous.

I think of my mother.

I think of her gentle smile and long fingers. The way the sunlight smelled on her dark hair after we played in the park. I remember her yellow sweater. I remember the loss of seeing her in that morgue.

“I love you, pumpkin.”

This is for you mom, I tell myself. I will get justice for you.

It took ten years, but I am going to finally have the way to put the man who hurt her behind bars.

I smile, showing my teeth. I am going to destroy Norwood.

Chief O'Brien arrives first. He wears civilian clothes of a dark blue suit and pale green tie. He plays with the expensive wedding band on his left hand as he enters, but otherwise doesn't look outwardly nervous.

As a prominent citizen, it isn't that strange to ask him to come to my office.

He comes in and greets me, shaking my hand. He swallows hard before shaking Dante's hand as well.

“Please, take a seat,” I tell him with a smile.

He sits, crossing one leg over a knee. “You look good in your aunt's spot,” he tells me. “It suits you.”

I nod politely. I can hear Ethan greet someone and a moment later, the office door opens. Senator Grayson walks in.

A little bit of tension leaves me. Despite it being irrational, I was nervous it wouldn't be him. The last meeting I was supposed to have with him ended with me being beaten to a pulp. I still have the fading purple and green marks on my face and arms.

“Senator.” I smile and shake his hand. He shakes mine and gives Dante a polite nod.

I sit back down. It's time for me to start the avalanche that will bury Norwood.

“Gentleman, thank you so much for coming here tonight. I'm sure you're curious why I've asked you here.” My voice is steady, but my heart is racing. “I have asked you here tonight to stop a criminal.”

Senator Grayson looks slightly surprised, but Chief O'Brien simply nods.

“Senator Norwood beat and abused my mother,” I inform them. “And I believe he killed her.”

Neither of them show much surprise. It isn't really a secret that my family believes Norwood killed my mother. We just haven't been able to say it in public because we didn't have any proof. Until now.