I knew that if I was going to have any chance of escaping him, I had to have proof. I had to be able to show the kind of monster that he was to anyone who looked. I documented everything and put it here in this bible.

I want us to escape this life. I want you to be safe.

I hope that you are reading this because I simply forgot to take it out of Nan's bible. I hope that this time in our lives is nothing but a dark memory.

Know that I love you. I will always love you. The player may stop, but the music always lives on.

* * *

I love you, Cara.

I hope I can keep you safe.

* * *



* * *

Tears well up in my eyes. The letters blur and I quickly shut the letter into the book. I don't want to cry on anything and smudge it. I hold the book to my chest, hugging it tightly. This is my mother's words to me.

I have a weapon now.

Hope fills me like light from the dawn. I have a chance. My mother died protecting me. I will do anything possible to protect my child.

Fury fills me, but now I have a way to channel it.

I stand. The piano is destroyed, but I'll get another. I'll play again. This is not the end to my story, no matter how much Norwood wants it to be.

Chapter 26

It's snowing. The storm came in without me realizing it. Soft white flakes float through the air, coating everything in a silent blanket.

It's pristine. It's clean. With the snow covering all the danger and soot of the world, I can believe that things will work out. That there is a chance that I can bring this child into a beautiful world.

I stand outside on the street looking up at Dante's apartment. The light is on, so I know he's home.

It's time for me to tell him.

It's in the same building as his office, but higher up. I wave to the doorman. He doesn't question me this time. I ride the elevator, tapping my toes nervously.

I don't know how he's going to react to the news that he has a child. I don't know if he even wants kids.

I know that he'll still marry me for the sake of our families, but I want us to be happy. I don't want to have a marriage of convenience. I want one that has love. I didn't know that until recently, but I do now. I thought I would be happy with just a marriage, but now I know I want love.

I want us to be happy.

I swallow hard as the elevator doors open. I step out. Everything is quiet.

I walk along the worn carpet to the door I know is his. My steps are muffled, but I still leave wet footprints behind me. I stand up straight, take a deep breath, and knock on his door.

“Cara?” He smiles as he sees it's me. His hair is messy and he's wearing an old t-shirt and pajama pants. He looks comfortable. The TV is on some old science fiction TV show. “What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you.” My hands are shaking. I don't know if it's from Norwood, the piano, the pictures, or what I'm about to do. Maybe all it.

His expression turns worried, but he holds open the door to let me in. He quickly turns off the TV and motions to the couch for me to sit down.