“Who was it?” he asks, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“My hair stylist just confirming an appointment.” Lying to him is surprisingly easy. I stand up and go to him. I need to protect him from this. Mr. Norwood wasn't bluffing. “Dante, I've been thinking. I don't want you to take care of Norwood. Stop whatever it is that you have planned. I've changed my mind.”

Dante frowns, confusion twisting his perfect brows. “You sure?” He looks me up and down, taking stock of all the bruises and stitches in the daylight. “I still want to kill him for what he did to you.”

I smile, ignoring the twist of pain it causes and place myself into his open arms. “I don't want him dead.” Yes, yes I do, but I don't want you hurt more. “It's just not the right timing.”

The words fall like drops of poison from my lips, but he tightens his arms around me.

“If that's what you want,” he murmurs, kissing my hair again. “I'll do anything you want to make you happy.”

I snuggle into him, trying not to feel like the biggest liar in the world. “I know.”

He checks his watch before sighing and releasing me. He peers at the stitches above my eye and frowns. “Are we still on for dinner tonight? My family will understand if we don’t make it.” His fingers trace the edge of the bruise and it's all I can do not to shy away from him. “We can call out for pizza if you prefer.”

“With the pizza you eat?” I think of the disgusting pizza he made me try not that long ago. “No way. Besides, the fancy risotto always makes me feel better.”

“Okay.” His face softens, but his eyes still hold concern. “I need to go to work now. Are you going to be all right here alone?”

“You can't stay?” The question comes out more like the plea of a small child and I feel embarrassed when he frowns.

“These lawsuits... they could be bad. I need to find out exactly what is happening.” The muscles of his jaw tighten slightly. “I can stay if you need me to, but--”

“No, no... I'll be fine,” I assure him. I can't be the reason for any more trouble on his part. “Promise. You go get things fixed and we'll have a nice dinner later.”

“I love you, Vesper.” His eyes tell me it's true.

“I love you, Bond.”

Chapter 23

As soon as Dante is out the door, I sit down at the piano bench. Even Dante's touches couldn't comfort me like the piano does. I touch the ivory keys, and then begin to play. I don't even know what I'm playing or how long I play for, I just let the music flow through me.

Every time I think of Dante, the melody is beautiful. Every time I think of Norwood, I lose focus, and the music becomes terrible. Just like my life. Still, the piano is soothing. It is the one thing in my life I can always depend on.

Minutes pass, maybe even hours. I'm interrupted by my phone ringing, but I don't even bother to answer it. As soon as it stops ringing, it starts again. I think of Dante, and the trouble his company is in. I sigh deeply, touching the piano one more time, like a lover. I'll return to you soon, I think.

I answer the phone. “Dante?”

“No, this is Dr. Robins from Urgent Care. We met last night.”

Met isn't exactly the word I'd use for this situation, but it sounded better than anything else I could come up with.

“Hello, Dr. Robins. Is there a problem? I know my health insurance is valid...”

“No, that's not why I'm calling. I need to discuss a lab result with you.” He sounds tired. Probably from staying up all night stitching me up. “I got pulled into an emergency and I didn't get the chance to tell you. The nurses let you leave without telling me.”

“What is it that you need to tell me?” I ask. I'm suddenly tired again.

“Ms. Savio, I'd like to inform you that you are pregnant.”

I don't move. I don't blink. I'm not sure I even heard the doctor correctly. “Excuse me, what?”

“You're pregnant. The test came back positive. You're still very early. Given what happened to you, I would highly recommend you make an appointment with an OB. You should have someone check you out.” He pauses. “And if you need any help getting out of a bad situation, please let someone know. I have people I can put you into contact with.”

“Right.” I nod, even though he can't see it. “Thank you, doctor.”

I hang up the phone and stare at it.