A proud smile tugs on the edges of his lips, but he stays stern. “I know. I heard you've made a friend in a Senator Grayson?”

I nod, sitting down at my place. “He's friends with Chief O'Brien. They are both very happy to have our campaign contributions.”

The small proud smile twitch goes again. “I'm so glad you've taken so well to the business.”

“I like it,” I tell him. “I have some ideas I want to run past you. With the addition of the Russos, we have some new opportunities.”

The smile comes full on this time. “Of course.” The smile disappears for a moment. “Are you happy with him?”

My chest warms with his concern. He isn't one to talk much of feelings.

“I like him,” I tell him honestly. “It's a good match. And it's good for business. So, yes. I'm happy.”

My takes a deep breath and relaxes. He must have been worried about me. Despite the business, he sees me as his daughter. He and my aunt officially adopted me. Just because business is important, it doesn't trump family.

“Ethan? Do you need anything?” my aunt asks.

“I'm good,” he says. Short and blunt as always. I shake my head and take a serving of my aunt's chicken.

Our conversation moves to other things. My uncle is smiling now that he knows I'm happy. I feel safe here. My family keeps me safe. The future is bright.

My uncle's phone rings. He glares at it, but answers since it's his work phone.

“Go.” His voice is sharp. He doesn't like being interrupted during dinner. He nods, listening to the caller. “Now? I'll send her.”

He hangs up the phone.

“Who was that?” Aunt Sophia asks. We're almost done with dinner.

“It was the senator,” Uncle Tony says. He shakes his head. “He wants to meet with Cara. It's important. A business opportunity.”

Another proud smile fills his face. It's rare for me to get two in one night. I can barely remember the last time I had even just one. This seems to be my night.

“You'll go meet with him,” he tells me. It's a combination of question and statement. I have the choice to not go.

“Of course I'll meet with him,” I quickly say. I want that proud smile again. I want him to know that I can take care of the family business. I want him to know that he's made a good choice in me. That all these years of training me and teaching me were worth the effort.

I want him to be proud of me.

“Bring Ethan,” my aunt says. She starts picking up dishes. I stand up to help. “No, Cara. You have an important meeting to go to.”

I stand there for a moment at a loss. It's always been my job to help with dishes. The fact that I don't means that I'm really moving up in the world. I'm important.

“Ethan, you ready?” I ask. He nods and stands, thanking my aunt and uncle for their hospitality.

My uncle gives me a nod. I'm an equal now. I'm going to head the organization. I'm a little nervous, but right now, I'm bursting with pride.

I am truly a mob boss. I am powerful.

Chapter 20

“Are you sure this is right, Ethan?” I ask, looking out my window at the creepy, abandoned looking office building. There are broken windows and several burnt out streetlights. It doesn't exactly look like a great place to discuss campaign finances.

“Yes.” Ethan holds up the card and shrugs. “You want me to come in with you?”

I want to say yes. But, if I'm going to head up this organization, I can't have my body guard all the time. Especially if I'm discussing slightly illegal campaign issues with a sitting senator. It's better I do this alone.

“I think I should go in alone,” I say. I don't like the way my stomach twists when I say it. It's a bad omen, but it's too late to turn back now.