Chapter 17

“I'm so glad I was able to attend your fundraiser, Mr. Senator Grayson,” I say, making my voice low and sexy. To be honest, this had been one of my better business meetings. I had actually enjoyed the conversation part of the evening. I just wished Dante had been here with me.

I'm at a dinner fundraiser for Senator Grayson. The Savio Family bought out two tables. Only I came, but I made political connections. The heir to the mattress empire is someone everyone wants on their side.

Senator Grayson's not bad looking for a man over sixty, but it's his influence and power that makes him attractive. As the head of his political party, he can change policy with the raise of an eyebrow. He's exactly the kind of person that I want on my side. He is an asset to my family. If half his claims are true, just dropping his name would get me out of paying taxes this year. It's good to have friends in high places.

“I haven't had that much fun discussing policy in years,” he says with a chuckle. “You certainly know your politics.”

“A girl has to stay current,” I tell him. I'm winning him over. He will be an ally for my family in the years to come. It's one step to making sure the Savio Family business lasts.

“Yes, this is true.” He nods. “Will I be able to expect you at the next fundraiser?”

I look around the hotel. It's one of the nicer hotels outside of the city. The big ballroom is draped in red, white, and blue. There are stars and small flags decorating every table. It's gaudy, but nice.

“I would love to,” I tell him. “Please make sure you let me know when it is.”

As if I didn't get three invitations and a phone call for this one. Politicians will never forget you if you give them money, even once.

“Have you heard anything on the Michigan race?” I ask him. I'm prepared to donate more there as well. It's a cheap investment in making the senator a friend to the black family for life. Not only did I help his campaign, but I helped his party out as well.

“You haven't heard?” The senator looks surprised. “I thought you would have been the first to know. Finally, something I know that you don't!”

He looks pleased with himself for a moment.

“Now you have to tell me,” I say, doing my best to flirt. However, a cold dread has started creeping up my spine.

“Senator Norwood has dropped out of the senate race,” Grayson tells me. For a moment, I'm relieved. This is good news. Then he continues. “He's out of the senate race because he's announced he's going for the presidency.”

In old-movies women feint when they hear bad news. I always thought it was an over exaggeration or a result of the constrictive gowns, but in this moment, I know understand it. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Washington DC is only a three hour train ride. It's too close for comfort. My palms go sweaty just thinking about having Norwood that close to me. I'd rather he was in China. Or ten feet underground.

“Are you okay, Cara?” Senator Grayson asks me. “You look a little pale.”

“As you know, I'm no friend to Senator Norwood. You said he's running for president?”

That man in charge of the country sounded like a dystopian future to me.

“Yes. It's not too unexpected, really.” He shrugs. “It's a little early,

“I'll be happy to contribute to any candidate that runs against him,” I quickly say. I will commit my entire inheritance to making sure he doesn't move to DC.

A predatory smile crosses the senator's face. “I was hoping you might say that.”

“Why? Are you running?”

He laughs. “No. Not this cycle, though I might be tapped to be VP.”

“So what will happen to all of my campaign contributions?” I ask with a coy smile.

He laughs and gives me a wink. “I think you'll find that every dollar is well spent. I always keep my constituents in mind.”

“I'm glad to hear that,” I say. “Will you let me know if you hear anything on Norwood's presidential campaign?”

“Of course.” He glances around, making sure no one is listening to our conversation. “And if you happen to hear anything that might help discredit that campaign, I'd be very interested to know that as well. Anything you hear through your channels. I'm sure mattress sales have some interesting information.”

I raise my eyebrows. At least now I'm sure Senator Grayson knows that my business isn't exactly mattress sales.